034. Acceptance, Hankyung/Kibum
‘Last auditioning on the 18th of April’ Kibum reads the letter out loud. ‘What ?!’ Hankyung’s eyes widen. ‘What do you want to say by ‘what’ ? I guess it’s clear enough’ ‘We have a live stage for Sorry Sorry on the 18th !’ Hankyung throws Kibum an indignant gaze. ‘Don’t look at me like that, I can’t help it. They don’t know that either !’ ‘I’m not going to skip a stage for that !’ ‘Well, here you’re at the point where you need to choose between Super Junior and acting’ Kibum shrugs as he already made his choice. ‘I choose Super Junior’ Hankyung folds his arm ‘Never mind. You’ll get that role anyways !’ Kibum laughs ‘How do you know ?’ ‘You’re a good actor, I’m sure they know that.’ ‘So you’re really not going ?’ ‘No’
‘Guys, it’s Kibum on the phone !’ barely off stage Heechul is already on the line with their second youngest member. In no time he is surrounded by the other 11. ‘Hey guys ! I catched your performance on the TV in the waiting room just now. It was amazing !’ ‘Thanks Kibum, but how are you doing ?’ ‘I’m doing great !’ ‘You got accepted, didn’t you ?’ ‘Yeah, I did, I got the main role’ ‘I knew it ! Good job, Kibummie !’ Hankyung shouts, sincerely happy for his band mate.
When Kibum comes home late that night the dorm is all dark, so he thinks everybody is gone to bed. He is startled as Hankyung pops up out of nowhere with a smile. ‘Hey, I waited for you.’ ‘Why ? It’s late’ ‘I just wanted to say congratulations, I couldn’t really when you called’ ‘Thanks…it was really boring without you.’ ‘Why ?’ ‘I had to wait for a long time. You know, I think you’d surely gotten a role if you were there. They were searching for more people.’ ‘It’s ok, I don’t have time anyways.’ ‘Your place is on stage’ Kibum smiles ‘Let’s go to bed…Night’ ‘Night’ Both boys head each to their own room, but as Hankyung wants to close his door Kibum softly calls out his name. ‘Hankyung…I think I’ll be able to join you guys on Super Show II’ He smiles and waves, then closes his bedroom door, leaving Hankyung with a smile.