The little hermaphrodites had guns, though.

Aug 04, 2008 18:09

So much Stargate stuff to post *half of flist wanders off in boredom...*


General Hammond Alphabet Soups is here

My entry is under the cut.

Also under the cut is my entry to sg1_five_things 50th set spectacular

C is for Cancer for Hammond Alphabet Soup

It was the first time he'd been out of the mountain during the day in...Hammond couldn't remember how long. Normally he arrived too early for anything to be open, and left long after the stores closed. So getting to go grocery shopping was actually a little bit exciting.

Pushing his cart to the car, he was stopped by two young women collecting for breast cancer research. The one started in on her spiel, but George's eye was drawn to the girl in back, or more specifically, her head piece.

She was wearing the three piece cloth thing he could remember his wife sewing when she was too weak to do anything but sit and sitch. She had got the pattern from her cancer support group and he could remember a lot of the women in that group wearing the same thing.

It was like a secret insignia for cancer's victims. For a second Hammond was overcome with the memory of sitting in a dim hospital room, holding his wife's frail hand and listening to her laboured breathing.

"Sir?" the woman who'd been talking broke into his train of thought.

"Hmm? Oh, yes, here". George handed her several bills from his wallet and started pushing his cart to his car.

Grocery shopping was over rated.

50 Crossover/Spinoffs We’ll Never See
1. Teal’c P.I. (he’s a bad motha’)
2. Fargate SG-1 (farbots!)
3. The Samantha Carter Chronicles
4. The Gatemore Girls
5. Gate’s Anatomy
6. Growing up Goa’uldi
7. CSI:Colorado
8. Weather Network’s Jonas Quinn Hour
9. Are You Smarter Than A Theoretical Astro-Physicist?
10. So You Think You Can Be First Prime (elimination round is a beeotch)
11. Loki in Space
12. Take This Hy’tac and Sell It
13. Asguard Idol
14. Who Wants To Be A Reetou
15. The Bald and The Beautiful
16. Bra’tac the Goa’uld Slayer
17. Cassie The Teenage Hyctar
18. Alien Nation(a documentary)
19. Naked Archaeologist (didn’t even have to change the name of this one!)
20. One Day to Relive (over and over and over again)
21. Sam Carter the Science Gal
22. Hammond: Texas Ranger
23. What Not To Worship
24. Crash Test MotherShip (back seat drivers get to run the peltak for 48 hours)
25. Intervention :Sarcophagus
26. Ishta Warrior Princess
27. Stargate Next Generation (reverse polarity!)
28. That 1969 Show
29. Goa’uld Whisperer
30. Bachelorette: Destroyer of Worlds
31. Boy Meets Other Worlds
32. O’Meilly (where everyone knows your name, and if it’s Carter, O’Neill or Jackson you’ll be asked to leave)
33. Jonathon (Jack) and Sam plus Eight
34. Dr. Fraiser Medicine Woman
35. Death Glider Confessions
36. Trading Ships
37. Heliods Kitchen
38. The Bionic Woman (Janet Fraiser, we can rebuild her, we have the alien technology)
39. King of the Red Plains
40. King of Queen Goa’ulds
41. Cooking With Jack (the secret is beer)
42. I Dream Of Jonas
43. Teal’c And Son
44. The Jaffersons
45. Big Dragonflies, With Teeth Hunter
46. Style by Junior (so that’s where he went after Tretonin was introduced!)
47. Leave It To Ba’al
48. That’s So Ra
49. The Gods Next Door
50. Wormhole Xtreme

Also of Stargate related interest:

Random Planet/Moon Designator

I am in awe of how much effort went into this program.

And then there is THIS, an interview with the stars of SG-1 at the screening of Continuum, that was kinda interesting.

Lastly, some random comm pimpage : dear_character where you write letters to fictional characters, asking what the hell?

And of course HAPPY BIRTHDAY queentatanya YOU OLD BASTARD! KISSES!

fic, qt, pimpage, stargate, love

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