I've got so much to write, I'd better make a start. I'll do a catch up first and then answer your questions from my previous entry.
So, my birthday weekend. Mam and Dad arrived with Meg at about 5:30pm on Friday, closely followed by Abi at 6pm, whenceupon we exchanged birthday gifts as hers is the day after mine. Not so long after Abi arrived did Janet turn up in my car! :-D She quickly went through the paperwork then drove off in her daughter's car leaving the Ka in my driveway! I wanted to go for a drive, but I hadn't had a chance to buy insurance as I'd been out every night last week (I can't even remember what I did but it involved pole dancing, burlesque night and birthday meal. Oh yeah I went out with work on Wednesday for my birthday and the restaurant brought me a free cake and sang to me and everything! It was lovely!). So anyway, I couldn't go out in my car so we just hung out in the house, drinking and chatting.
Saturday, Pete went out with the motorbike club for a bike ride so me, Mam and Dad went to Leicester to see what all the fuss is about with the new shopping centre that everyone's been raving about. I don't get what all the fuss is about, it's just a shopping centre. Anyway, Mam said she would buy me the Long Way Down coffee table book so we walked into the bookshop, Dad said "Which section do you think it's in?" and I marched off replying "The travel section, I can see it from here." LoL they couldn't believe I found it so quickly, my Ewan Radar must have been working ;o) So now I have that sitting pride of place on my coffee table. Dad bought me a new pair of PURPLE jeans and a box of fudge.
We got back home, had a dinner of sausage bake which I made with pasta, tomatoes, mushrooms, broccoli and mozzarella which was a big hit, then we got ready for our 1950s party. Loads of people turned up, it was amazing how many people were squashed into our tiny house! Ed turned up as well, Ed who stole my birthday! And Abi was here so we were celebrating three birthdays! After an hour or so of drinking, we headed out to the pub, where Dad kept on bringing me drinks; lager, Malibu, more Malibu, heh, I didn't spent a single penny all night!
Birthday gifts were as follows: silver earrings from Pete, necklace and DS game from Abi, Delia Smith cook book from Pete's Mum, Long Way Down coffee table book from Mam, jeans, fudge, dinner and drinks from Dad, £20 New Look voucher from work, £10 Boots voucher from Nana, various drinks from various people. Not bad going :o)
We got back from the pub at about 1:30am with a few of the hardcore who were still left over and had more drinks at our house until about 3:30am when the last people went home. I haven't stayed up that late drinking with friends for a long time, it was great! :o)
Sunday my actual birthday we got up late, went out for Sunday roast then just went for a walk around the woods; it was gorgeous weather, about 21C, very unusual for October. Heck it's unusual for July! So we bought ice cream!
Then when the Sun started to go down I noticed our long shadows and made everyone spell rude words...can you read it?
It was slightly embarrassing when a family walked past and the woman said "I know what you're doing, you're spelling 'fart'!" *ahem* We're not children, really...
And here's a random pretty view I found.
Monday we got up late again, went for a wander around town and took Mam and Dad to look at the old church. They love looking at old gravestones, and it's quite interesting. These ones are all from the 1700s and they have their professions on them and cool poems with Fs instead of Ss, and lots of surnames you don't hear these days. The oldest one we found was from 1690! Can you imagine? I like to imagine who these people were, what they wore, where they lived, what they did. It's such a long time ago, hard to imagine.
So Mam and Dad went home at about 4:30pm after a tiring but fun weekend. I finally sorted out my car insurance and took it for a spin around Loughborough! I'm sure this old man in the car park thought I was bit mental, going backwards and forwards into the same parking spot over and over again, practicing my bay parking!
Self portrait of me in the driving seat of my car!
Side on portrait of my tiny ugly car!
And my two baby children together on the driveway!
Last night I took my first passenger when I drove Jess to pole dancing. We might have died when I almost drove it the wrong way along a dual carriageway...but I rescued us in time...! Apart from that she says she was impressed with my driving, although she might have just been being polite.
Pole dancing was evil last night at the end of the lesson. Olga kept going on about how she wanted to climb the poles, so Fred (who is a lady) got sick of her going on and said we could climb all the poles! There are 4 poles and they are each 12 feet tall. We had to climb up, touch the ceiling, do three leg raises and then slide down. Only I was a bit over enthusiastic on the first pole and poked out a ceiling tile. So I had to hang there holding on with my legs while I put it back! Then climb three more poles! Jesus my muscles were screaming at me...but me and Jess were the only people who actually did it, everyone else either didn't try at all or only did one and then collapsed, pshaw!
Random, how crazy is this having Hallowe'en things and Christmas things out at the same time, come on people, these two things are two months apart!
Oh and one more random to finish. This is my AQA score; we're supposed to pick questions from the hard queue totalling 8% of all questions answered that month. How did I managed to answer 200%? Oh and ignore my average answer time, I know I'm not making much money at 30p every 8 minutes, but I just get so engrossed in answering a question it always ends up taking me ages lol.
Hang on, Dad's just put some photos from Saturday on Facebook :o)
The four of us in 1950s get up, Dad's dressed as the Fonz!
We must have been drunk in this one, we've gone all fuzzy :op
How many people can you fit on the Sock Man of Loughborough? For some reason it's entirely irresistible to climb the statue of the Sock Man whenever anyone gets drunk; there's even a
Facebook group dedicated to him. We decided to see how many people we could fit on him, we got six! I don't know why I'm flying in this photo...
Ed giving instructions
That makes five! Sadly there isn't a photo with all six of us on, we didn't manage to stay on for long.
And a picture that Dad took of me with my Ka car. Meg doesn't look very comfortable...
It's taken me an hour to write this...I keep getting distracted by Desperate Housewives.