May 06, 2011 03:14
- 14:22:02: Things I hare shopping for: bras, work pants, and makeup. And I find myself needing all 3. #grr
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May 04, 2011 03:13
- 10:49:56: Really tired of office politics getting in the way of doing the right thing.
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May 01, 2011 03:13
- 22:07:05: This crud the kid and husband have given me sucks. The right side of my head wants to explode with snot.
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Apr 30, 2011 03:13
- 10:32:56: Dang it, it seems I've succumbed to the sickness the husband and kid have spread thru our household.
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Apr 29, 2011 03:14
- 05:44:53: Thankfully no damage at our house last night AND the child slept in her own bed all night.
- 08:58:52: Let's be honest: Mother's Day is for making up the other 364 days that you're a pain in the ass to your mom and/or wife.
- 11:58:45: I need a job where I can be the official social media publisher. I'd love to get paid to tweet and Facebook
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Apr 28, 2011 03:13
- 08:34:38: The rain is coming http://t.co/XVNUS08
- 10:14:14: RT @RepWeiner: Developing: Trump now demands proof :Hawaii is part of USA. #AnyoneCanFakeAMap
- 12:22:01: RT @ActuallyNPH: Sorry I haven't tweeted lately. The monkeys are teething, and drool is everywhere. As it turns out, the iPhone is not a ...
- 21:25:40: RT @BradNitzWSB: @ RuffusMD I
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Apr 27, 2011 03:14
- 08:55:15: #UnidaCantina is my new favorite album. Thank you #RCPM for all the hard work you've put into this album!
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Apr 26, 2011 03:12
- 05:37:10: @ MexMoonshine Now let's get Mexican Moonshine at Total Wine in Georgia. :-)
- 05:40:41: Meeting with SPSU today and hoping it turns out in our favor.
- 11:50:50: Sitting at the doctor's, trying to figure out what is wrong with the husband.
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Apr 22, 2011 03:14
- 10:00:46: Every time "Small World" from #UnidaCantina comes up on the iPod, I get weepy. I've never had a song affect me like this.
- 10:03:13: I was told I verbally castrated a developer today. Not my fault he was spewing stupidity which forced me to call him out on it.
- 16:52:50: RT @subversivexs: Cubicle QR code PDF up now! http://
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