
Dec 16, 2003 19:08

Holy schnaps. This time next week, Christmas break will have started. Crazy, heh? This year is just going by waaaay to fast. I suppose thats a good thing in some ways, but it also means its getting closer till college time. I used to be so excited, counting the years till i graduate, but now that its approaching...well in a year, I'm starting to ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

le_merde_moeur December 16 2003, 18:31:43 UTC
yay for music! and yay for guitars. hahaha. your trio sounds extremely cool. if i had a car and could drive to maryland...i'd totally come in to your guitar class to see it.

the prospect of college freaks me out too. even though i'm still farther away from it than you. well. just get like, superb grades and get into some kickass massachusettes or new york school. haha. or any kickass school. and then you'll be set. and i can visit you at some time. it'll be great.
i love realizing that i'll have no school soon. i hate realizing that it's really a tuesday when i thought it was a weekend.


mufumba December 18 2003, 14:32:01 UTC
Wahoo! Hahaha you're seriously missing out on a chance to see The Donners for their first live preformance. Ah well, I suppose you'll get a chance to see them sometime...because we're going places. I can feel it. Just like I can feel how The Strokettes are going places ; )

Hahaha oh yes. It'll be grand. But I'm just not afraid of getting into college, I'm just a little freaked out by the prospect of leaving friends and going seperate ways. Ah well, if I end up in Mass, then I'll have you to bug on the weekends. Mwuahaha.


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