Sorry to spam everyone with two entries back to back, but I wanted to get caught up on this so I can actually finish.
Day 04: Your favorite show ever
Okay, I'm sure a lot of people are probably surprised by this one, with how often I'm going apeshit over Heroes, Glee, and Buffy. But if I were to talk about the show that has been around the longest for me and has influenced me the most, then Friends is definitely up there. I grew up watching this show, and I remember sitting with my friends on Thursday night to watch Friends, and it touched our little junior high and high school lives. We would quote it nonstop, and would sit and talk about which female we were, and we'd pick which guy we'd want as our boyfriend. Out of everything I watch, Friends is also the only show that exists that has a high rewatch value for me. I can watch any episode of Friends over and over again, even if I've seen it thirty or forty times.
I know it's in no way a realistic description of how life in New York actually is, but I love the show and the characters so much, I actually cried after the series finale. I want Chandler Bing to be my husband, and have since I was 13 years old. I love him, just as much as I despise Phoebe.
Friends has been with me through the best times in my life and the worst, and has provided me with so many great memories.
Day 05 - A show you hate
Lost. I'm so sorry, Chris, I don't want you to hate me, but I really can't stand this show. And the reason I can't stand it are the hardcore fans. The ones who make me wear nametags when I go over to their apartment to watch the damn show with them, the ones who are so crazy scary about getting every last little detail about what happens and the symbolism behind it right that I'm not allowed to get in a word edgewise when we sit and try to have a "discussion". I want to sit and watch a show and enjoy it, not be quizzed about something right after it was over. I also don't like sitting and watching something that makes me more confused than a teenage girl after having sex for the first time on prom night.
Really, I tried to love this show. I did. I've watched it so many occasions for my bff and her now ex-husband. But I just couldn't get into it, and when you tell people this, they act like you're a monster.
And those are the reasons I hate Lost.