Ok. I have heard a lot of bashing in fandom of JKR. Her characters were OOC, she was on crack, the epi was cheesy, so forth and so on.
Now, I was sent the epi a week before the book came out. It was thought to be a joke and we all laughed and said it read like a bad fan fic. It does. Imagine my reaction when I saw it was real. I am not happy with it, and would have preferred the longer one she mentioned in her latest interview. I think, if this was part of the original piece she wrote 17 years ago, that it should have been edited more.
That said, I overall loved the book and it is my favorite. Cheesy lines and all.
As for OOC, they are hers and if they appear that way in the book, so be it...
I have heard two reactions to this.
1. She caved to the fans and altered some things...maybe she did, maybe she didn't.
2. We, as a fandom, are so good at reading between the lines and writing her world that we hit the nail on the head in our fics.
Heaven knows the H/Hr shippers are calling foul.
I have also heard fans say that interviews are not canon...Where do you think we get all the extra tidbits that are left out? You may not agree with them cause the are not in the book, and as an fic writer you can ignore them, but give the woman so respect.
This is her world we are playing in and we are damn lucky she let's us!
Now, the comments are open for discussion. You can agree or disagree with me. We all have our own opinions and I want to hear yours. :D