my first (lame) personal post, used to do it all the time on
my tumblr but the habit quite died after awhile when i had an influx of followers. but anws, yay i think i'm improving in icon making, but unfortunately i don't have any friends experienced in this field (let's hope tiff has a bit of clue on photoshop) to give me constructive feedback ;-; batch one of icons was really more like testing the waters and experimentation ttfm and i'm (fucking) glad that i got a hang of things, past the basics, but ive still got a long way to reach uberawesomeness T T well that's fine, there's only experienced ones when there are new ones, and everybody's gotta start somewhere /grins.
haha i should have paid more attention back in the (high school) days when my cca teacher droned on about photoshop tutorial. but s'okay, i still have my photography skills to conjure some shit up HAHA. i should really invest in a fucking camera, it's quite a shame that i was in my school's photography team and yet i own no damn cam. /creys.
oh and its 0221 right now and i'm still awake ohmy, and yay first day of work at topshop and i gotta be up in another...6 hours. /sobs. i wanted to write a woogyu one-shot (angst again sighs i need to learn fucking romance and fluff lolol).
and i actually got myself to join the 20inspirations icon challenge - yes i've lost all my sanity.
oh well, here's to learning (improving) icons the roller coaster way. HAHA.
people ask me why i do what i do; spending my free time on photoshop and editing or writing and when i tell them it's a hobby, they look at me and go, what do you get in return? and i just wonder if whatever we do, needs something in return. i guess the sense of achievement and joy is what i get in return. sure of course recognition and comments can make one's day but doing what interests and fascinates you, fulfilling something, i guess that's cool too and crap i forgot all about my tumblr themes project.
errrmagawd i really wanna dj on soshified, but i'm afraid work's gonna be in the way. u g h screw that.
and great i am still not entirely satisfied with my audition clips.
and my final year examinations results are released somewhere in mid jan. /dies. (and january is a day away.).
and yup i should really go crash.
ps) anyone who chances upon this happens to have icons making knowledge and experience, PLEASE. send me some feedback so i can improve. tytytytytytyt ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥