*Dis-claimer: You do not have to answer any of my questions here, but I would love you for more than forever if you would like to.
**And if you don't want me to share any of your answers but still want to answer them, feel free to e-mail them or anything, we all know my address (muiadib@yahoo.com) or Y!IM name...muiadib. =))
1. What are you afraid of? It doesn't have to even be what you are most afraid of or anything, just something you fear (tho, if you want to tell me that t-o-o....*innocent face* Not that I don't already know mind you.) If you happen to have alot of things....well, I like reading. *wolf grin*
2. Why are you afraid of it (them)? Because of a past experience(s), because you were told to fear it, because it's socially ingrained to fear it, ect. ect.... (Just to give anyone some ideas if they need them there.)
3. Is it a long term fear? Recently aquired? Something you were instinctually frightened by when little? (Which almost goes with and/or before that last one really, but please bear with me, I'm bubling through this thing here.)
4. Ok, next to last question here, how does it make you feel? Besides afriad of course! For example,if it's an irrational fear and you know it, or it's something that's silly...you get the idea here.
5. Is it a general fear, or a personal fear? I'm not going for oober deep here, just whatever. *Huggles*
So, before you venture into the belly of the whale to think about answering my questions, I rather fell I owe an explination (of a sorts) to you who answer. I'm beginning work on a short story project I've been nuturing this summer and just need some additional information to help me along. So, if you would like to answer, way cool, but you certainly don have to.
And, as a aside note to Jenny...I love you, but if I get a long paragraph that outwieghs your puppy by serveral pounds with no end...I know where you sleep. *evil smirk*
Thanks in advance and you guys are....you guys. Laters!