And I even left it open to the public, whe~!!!
Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) How many monkeys could
teddywithfangs fight at once and win against? 2, because the third one would bite her whoops-i-daisy and knock her out. >:)
2) What animal does
rockrat remind you of? Hmmmm.....since a Limmie doesn't count here, I'll go with fox. ;)
3) Does
zarda have a dog? Is Zarda real, or just a well thought out figment of HER imagination.....*ponders*
4) Would you set up
rockrat and
clestelle? HECK NO!!! Do you think I wat to Cook to poisen me you twit?!?
5) Would
lackey177 and
clestelle look good together? Oh, oh...*long drawn out voice* Hell no.
6) If
clestelle were hanging off a cliff, what would
fruitsgirl01 do? Extract a promise thst she could read all of her manga and then save her. ;))
7) What is
clestelle's favorite band/artist? ... if I had gotten this wrong, would you have still loved me? (Keith Urban!)
8) Does
teddywithfangs know
shenanagan? Well, if you mean KNOW know, then no, but she does know her.
9) If
zarda and
lackey177 were siamese twins, where would they be joined? Well, we're back to that figment thing here....but I would hope at the butt, but just because I would find it amusing. *wolf grin*
10) Has
rockrat dyed their hair? I try not to pry into Jenny's Limmies life THAT muchly kthxbye.
11) Is
lackey177 popular? With the ladies? I should hope for his sack NOT.
12) One thing you can't stand about
shenanagan? ...The 5th, I do have to sleep sometime you know. ;)
13) Does
rockrat have a crush on
shenanagan? Ok, I'm not touching that one, leaving now.
14) If
zarda and
teddywithfangs were spliced together, what would be its name? Zarda with Fangs of course!
15) Did
shenanagan break up with you? What, did she break me up? Oh yes, multliple times.
16) What is
clestelle's biggest flaw? She TYPES way to darn fast~!!!
17) Do you have
clestelle's screenname? Oh yes and her pen name and her secret porn name and her panty size....>:)
18) How would
zarda kill
fruitsgirl01? Death by manga deprivation.
19) What word best describes
rockrat? ....Limmie? *winkies*
20) Do
lackey177 and
fruitsgirl01 go to the same school? Ummm, maybe the school of hard knocks?
21) Have you ever dated
clestelle? .....Oh, now that's just being nosy!
22) What would
fruitsgirl01 give
shenanagan for his/her birthday? Ranma 1/2 *cough cough*
23) Where would
shenanagan most like to visit? ....LIMMIE-LAND!!!
24) What planet should
clestelle be from? ...*evil laughs as she notices next question*
25) Is
clestelle dead sexy? *evil laugh continues*
26) Does
fruitsgirl01 go to your school? If by school you are meaning teh Colleges, she loves me, then yesh, that would be truth.
27) If
lackey177 was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? Ummmm......chipminks?
28) Which of your friends should
clestelle go out with? Ewwww, no. She has her own set of males to enthrall.
29) Is
rockrat friends with
lackey177? If by friends, you mean they life on the same planet, then....Yes, yes they are!
30) Does
fruitsgirl01 smoke? Heck no. Fire near her manga, are you mad I say?!?
31) What animal should
clestelle be combined with? ....If it's feline, she would 'hor' herself out to any combo. *huggles*
32) Where was
lackey177 born? The day I made him my slave. *Wolf Grin*
33) Would
lackey177 be a better ninja or pirate? A pirate, because we all know ninja's aren't as sexy. =))
34) Where was
clestelle born? The day she first heard country. *huggles*
35) Thoughts on
lackey177? He's warmer than my heater!
36) Where did you first meet
zarda? In the mind of a dear dear friend. :D
37) If
clestelle had a superpower, what would it be? ...Heat vision?
38) Is
rockrat single? No comment, Jenny may be watching. *halo*
39) Does
clestelle travel a lot? To teh John, oh yesh, that's where all the good books are stored!
40) If
zarda commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? The Creature Gods!
41) Is
teddywithfangs introverted or extroverted? That depends on how much caffeine and/or suger you ply her with before hand, now doesn't it?
42) What comic book character would
teddywithfangs be? Storm, because Dracula lusts after her you know.
43) What would you do if
fruitsgirl01 died? I would cry.
44) Would
lackey177 go out with
shenanagan? *blinks* *selectively forgets she ever read that sentence*
45) Is
shenanagan your best friend? XD Indeed.
46) How long would
lackey177 dating
fruitsgirl01 last? Is that before or after he spent 3 seconds with me?
47) What rank would
teddywithfangs have in a giant robot army? She would be that robot that ever one shudders when it comes around the corner. Evedn the scary assassin robots would be afraid.
48) If
fruitsgirl01 took over the world, who would be happy? W-e-l-l, would she give me free manga in exchange for offing people for her? If so, then MEMEMEMEEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEME~!!!
49) What would you do if you found out
clestelle has a crush on you? *blinks* *repeats forgetting process*
50) Are
rockrat and
clestelle married? ...*ditto*
clestelle's hair color? Dirty blond, like her! *huggles*
52) Would you wrestle
fruitsgirl01 in jello? Ewwwww, jellloooo......
53) How long have you known
shenanagan? Ummm, does that include all my out of body experinces becouse of her, or just my actual alive life?
54) What languages does
fruitsgirl01 speak? The language of ......anime. =))
55) What is
teddywithfangs's favorite food? CHEESE~!!! (Or Dr. Pepper, take your pick)
56) Could you see
rockrat and
clestelle together? In a coffin? Oh yes, very easily.
57) Is
shenanagan 1337? In cooking? =P~ Indeed she is my friends!
58) What would
shenanagan do differently in your shoes? Well, dye them pink, I'm sure. =))
59) Is
lackey177 a nerd? ...*busts out laughing and goes onto the next question*
60) What do you disagree with
rockrat about? His very bright choice of avvie backgrounf color? O.o
61) How would
lackey177 conquer the world? By boring it to death talking about the NASA channel.
62) How tall is
fruitsgirl01? Shorter than me, so less than 5'10". :o)
63) What is
clestelle's favorite game? Romulance! Or The SIms, but my bet is the first one. *winkies*
64) Are
zarda and
clestelle going out? If you mean going out as in spending alot of time together, then most definately!
65) What would
shenanagan think of
lackey177? He eats up all the taco meat. ;))
lackey177's eye color? Milk chocolatte brown. *refrains from melting comment*
67) What is
rockrat's favorite color? From what I can tell, anything that burns my retinas. *laughs arse off*
68) Does
shenanagan have a big secret? Oh, you mean like the strawberry flavored condom and the bathrrom in S. Carolina? Nope, noting like that in her head. *wold grin*
69) Is
fruitsgirl01 a high school student? Mentally?
70) Does
rockrat drink? I should think so. =)) He seems to rather enjoy getting sloshed. ;))
71) What mental disorder does
fruitsgirl01 remind you of? Hyper tension disorder. (No, I have no idea what that is, but it sounds funny. ;)) )
72) Would you make out with
fruitsgirl01? *Blinks* You know the drill by now, surely?
73) Which president would
fruitsgirl01 be likely to idolize? The one that made imports from Japan legal?
74) Is
shenanagan related to
clestelle? Is this a trick question? *looks around*
75) Is
clestelle in a relationship? With her computer? *evil grin*
76) What video game does
clestelle remind you of? Yar's revenge. Because no matter what she eats, she never gets any bigger! =))
77) Would you ever date
clestelle? *blinks* Really now!
78) Would
zarda and
fruitsgirl01 make a good couple? W-e-l-l, since I'm unsure as to exactly what gender Zarda possessise here...>:)
79) What color should
clestelle dye their hair? ....frosted red tips!
80) What song/movie would you recommend to
rockrat? Temptation Waits by Garbage, because it reminds me of teh Jenny. =))
81) Is
rockrat related to you? If mean mean related by.....*blah blah blah*
82) Are
lackey177 and
fruitsgirl01 going steady? *blank look* No.
83) Is
clestelle athletic? She is now! *proceeds to internally laugh arse off since laughing a belly luagh really right ow make her want to remove her spine with a spoon*
84) Does
fruitsgirl01 do drugs? If by drugs you mean she gets high on life>? Then yesh, yesh indeedy!
85) Do you have a crush on
shenanagan? If you mean, do I occasionally sit on and cruch then Nematoad? *evil laugh*
86) What is
teddywithfangs's shoe size? If you think I',m going to let her plant it on my bum to find out, you are a group of sadly mistaken peoples.
87) If
fruitsgirl01 took over the world, who would suffer? No one, unlees you happen to not like Japan.....
88) Is
clestelle a college student? In the strctist definition of the word....yes.
89) If
lackey177 and
clestelle were spliced together, what would it be like? *looks around, thinks evil thought anyways* Heaven, then I could have the best of BOTH worlds. =)) *blinks* What was I just saying....? O.o
90) What flavor of jello would
zarda be? Not cheese?
91) What is
rockrat allergic to? Not Limmies apparently, or he would have died long ago. ;))
92) When did you last call
clestelle? Wait, if by calling you mean talking, then that would be like.....20 minutes ago.
93) What exotic animal would
fruitsgirl01 like as a pet? One of those really cute fuxxy things-not an animmals that are alwasy mysteriously not freaking people out in most anime/manga out there. ;))
94) Has
zarda been to your house/dorm? In spirit? Indeed.
95) Have you flirted with
shenanagan? *blinks* Wha..?
96) Do you think
fruitsgirl01 is hot? *blinks* Ok, this is satrtig to hurt somewhat...O.o
97) What is
lackey177's favorite movie? The Matrix. Not the Matrix :Reloaded, not Revolutions, just, ThE Matrix.
98) One quality you find attractive in
clestelle? ....=)) Really now, it would have to be her maleness. ;)
99) What do you agree with
clestelle about? That Heero is one hot hung of man flesh, but Duo is still by far the more stud-muffin-ishy of the two. *winkies*
100) Is
rockrat an emo? Did you say spaz? I heard spaz. So spaz it is. Yes, he is a spaz. *wolf grin*