Title: Can we just keep all the madness?
Rating: PGish
Disclaimer: Neither Doctor Who, nor The Sarah Jane Adventures, are mine, etc.
This is found poetry for Sarah Jane Smith. RIP Elisabeth Sladen.
("Found poetry is a type of poetry created by taking words, phrases, and sometimes whole passages from other sources and reframing them as poetry by making changes in spacing and/or lines (and consequently meaning)."
The source material is Sarah Jane Smith quotes from Doctor Who and The Sarah Jane Adventures, as well as a few lines at the end from the Doctor.
Can we just keep all the madness?
The Doctor likes traveling
with an entourage.
(Sometimes they're human,
sometimes they're aliens, and
sometimes they're tin dogs.)
Sarah Jane Smith, journalist.
If you think I'm going to
spend my time making
cups of coffee for you...
He's my friend.
I've got a talking computer
and a robot dog.
Doctor, you- you're being childish!
There's nothing
about being a girl,
Your Majesty.
Good seeing you again!
You know, this is balmy.
Here we are calmly discussing
happiness planets with blue moons,
giant spiders,
magic crystals
as if I was talking about
pussycats, fish and chips and the Liverpool docks.
I've seen things you wouldn't believe!
I used to go traveling through
space and
time in a
phone box with a Time Lord,
I realized the life I wanted was
right under my nose
all that time.
Some things are worth getting your heart broken for.
The universe has to move forward.
Pain and loss,
they define us as much as
happiness or love.
Whether it's a world,
or a relationship...
Everything has its time.
Not too late for the party?
We had this theory that if you ever died,
we'd feel it somehow...
we'd just know.
You're so important.
(Not just to me.)
The Trickster wanted to end your story,
but it goes on.
"Don't forget me."
"No one is ever going to forget you."