As eyes slide shut, worries and joys swirling through heads, dreams begin to form. And as these dreams balloon outward from the deepness of sleep, they begin to stick to each other and clump together until all at once, a singular dreamscape rolls out like a soft, silent mantle. Unstoppable as water, it continues without a horizon to contain it...
*Characters will now find themselves all stuck in the same dream.
*Action (logging) will take place in comments, and since it's a dream, it will be non-linear and won't have to make sense, so any character can reply to any other character if they see something that interests them.
*Characters can appear as themselves or as any other form they'd like, since this is a dream (for example, though Naruto is cursed to a frog form, he can appear as his human form in the dream, if that's what he's dreaming. Or Misa could be dreaming she's a bird or something and appear as a bird). It all depends on what you feel like doing.
*Also, elements from each character's life that they might dream about can leak into the collective dream. For example, if Mytho was dreaming about swimming again, parts of the dream might start to flood, or if your character is the sort that would dream about food, that food might start filling up an area, etc. Bring out some of the quirky parts of your character's personality! Have weird stuff happen! Characters can bond over it! XD
*This event will occur all in one night in terms of the timeline, however, people can post in the log as long as they'd like, since it's a dream XD
*Have fun!