Hiei goes on about how his Eastern Magic homework had to do with symbols that the ancient Asians believed represented animals that had various magical properties, some of which were reputed to have supernatural abilities that could possibly alter the energies around them.
Sonic does something on Transfiguration, and it isn't very good.
Ravyn does her assignment on her Dueling class and the fact that not only does it focus on the basic factors of magic and the theory of it, but also goes on to other things such as art of performing spells without saying anything. It also gives a bit on how the main idea of 'dueling' was derived in the past to match different opponents against each other in hopes of increasing their own magical abilities and thinking of new innovative ones. This time, the parchement is quite long and she struggles to make it better than the last one, but it doesn't get muc better...
Comments 7
Sonic does something on Transfiguration, and it isn't very good.
(OOC: *snerk* Sorry Mustang-san)
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