Author: Angel of Fire SG1
Rating: PG
Pairings: John/Elizabeth
Spoilers: None
Sometimes I Wish
Sometimes she just wishes she was one of them. One of the girls he picks up on what seems like most missions. She's aware he'd do anything for her, protect her against anything, hell he'd die for her.
But he won't use her in the way he uses all the other woman.
Sometimes she wonders why he doesn't, she wonders if its because she means that much more to him, or because she has closed herself off to him so much that for him it's not even a vague possibility that she might even be interested.
It's not as though she wants to be one of his chicks of the week, she wants more than that, but sometimes she just wishes she had something.
Although she knows it's the exact opposite of what the two leaders should be doing she still wishes that one day he'll turn around and notice that it's something else. At least from the way she sees it.
Sometimes they're closer. Sometimes she thinks if she hadn't pulled away so fast he might've kissed her, if she hadn't closed her emotions off so quickly he would have offered comfort with something more than a joke and a smile.
She supposes it's her fault. She closes herself off, tries to be one of the guys, and in a way has to hold herself away from the rest of them because she is their leader. Many times she's told herself that maybe, just maybe, if she did something different then he would notice her.
But then the other part of her wonders if he'd even want anything with her when he has so many other options. Easier options. Younger options.
She glances at him across the briefing room and it only takes him a few moments before he notices and fakes a yawn at Rodney's long report about some Ancient device they'd found on another planet.
She smiles.
He smiles back.
But that's all they ever do.