(no subject)

Nov 01, 2006 01:13

Title: I've Heard It Said
Author: Angel of Fire SG1
Rating: PG
Fandom: Atlantis
Summary: "The first time she said "I love you" she was twelve. It was a boy in her math class, Greggory Reid, and he had been her boyfriend for five weeks."


The first time she said "I love you" she was twelve. It was a boy in her math class, Greggory Reid, and he had been her boyfriend for five weeks. They only saw each other at school because they were both too scared to tell their parents about the other.

Up until that moment the furthest their relationship had gone was him giving her a rose on Valentine's day and her taking his hand under the table during school. She hadn't entirely understood her statement at the time, but the small, geeky, brown haired boy with glasses had leaned forward and kissed her.

She hadn't expected that and it had scared her, at that moment she had freaked out and neither one of them had discussed it again. A week later she had found a break-up note in her locker. Slamming it shut she had ripped the note in half and thrown it in the bin.


The first time someone said it to her she was sixteen. She had been sitting under a tree reading her book for her English class during her lunch period and Will MacDonald had walked up to her and announced it.

She had looked up at him for a moment and frowned in confusion. He was one of the popular guys, the type that she didn't really spend much time talking to, but he had always been nice to her, unlike his friends. Somehow she'd never quite expected it though and it had thrown her off guard.

She wasn't very good at handling these kind of situations.

"Okay," was all she had managed.

He'd turned red and run away.

A week later he'd asked her out.

She'd said yes.

Four months later she'd found herself saying that line for the second time.

This time she almost understood it.


The third time she is in Paris, backpacking over summer with her boyfriend. His name was Jason Shaw and he was English. The backpacking through Europe had been his idea. They'd known each other for six months at that moment and they had started going out only a month earlier.

They had been leaning against the wall watching the Eiffel Tower at night and she'd turned and looked at him, finding herself saying "I love you" and he'd smiled back and repeated it. She'd found the whole situation a total cliche as an after thought but at the time it had felt right.

Six months later Jason's plane crashed in a freak storm over the Pacific ocean and they'd never found any bodies.

Everytime she went to Paris after that she went to that spot and thought about the moment they had shared there.

It was the first time she'd trully understood the meaning of her words.


She'd been on her way to Nigeria when Simon had run after her at the airport. She had told him she'd be back in a month and somehow between the point where she had hung up the phone and left her place and gotten to the airport he had decided he needed to be there.

She had turned around as he'd called her name and saw him running up to her. She dropped her bags on the spot and stared at him. She asked him what he was doing there and he'd kissed her, then he'd pulled back and told her he loved her.

She had been so confused but as he'd pulled further back she couldn't help but smile.

"You came to the airport for that?" she asked.

He nodded slightly and she leaned forward and kissed him.

"Then I love you too..." she whispered.

But it didn't feel the same.


The fifth time she'd been waiting for years. It had taken her just over a year to figure out she loved him, and it took her only another six months to figure out it might even be possible he loved her back. But their situation wasn't entirely ideal and the right moment had never arrived.

She avoided saying anything for so long because she was afraid of the Jason situation happening again. Of losing him. Or of him not loving her back. The damage of all her previous experiences seem to finally hit home and she can't find herself to say the words.

It isn't until he was lying there on the hospital bed for the thousandth time in the last six years that she found herself unable to leave his side. She couldn't lose him, not after everything she'd kept inside. She needed him to know.

Tears left her eyes and she rested her head against the pillow next to his, possibly the most uncomfortable position she'd ever forced herself into in her life. And she'd waited.

Three days later he woke up while she was asleep in the bed opposite his. When she opened her eyes he was half sitting up, a food tray before him, and he didnt't look good. He turned and looked at her, smiling slightly.

"Elizabeth, what are you doing here?" he asked.

"I don't know," she lied.

His smile faded and he tilted his head to one side. "I do."

She got off her bed, pulling her jacket around her and walked to his bed, sitting on the edge of it.

"Do you?" she asked.

"You love me," he said quietly.

She stared at him for a few moments then smiled slightly, looking away and even making a noise that slightly resembled laughter. When she looked back at him he wasn't smiling.

Her smile faded as she reached across and touched the side of his face.

"Yes...yes I do..." she whispered.

And somehow as she left the infirmary to get herself some proper rest somewhere inside she knew that this is what all the other moments have been training for.

And she smiled.

fic, sga

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