"Fucking Twice!"

Jun 24, 2003 03:55

So I got in an accident on Friday while going down to Delaware. Noything major, just a fender beder cause some asshole decides to cut people off doing sixty in terretial rain ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

cattqn June 24 2003, 10:02:59 UTC
its jonah, not job....god pat, know ur bible stories

:) miss ya!


strovei June 24 2003, 15:57:04 UTC
actually it's both

jonah got swallowed by the whale

job suffered a terrible fate... not as terrible as pat's mind you.. he only lost everything he had including his family and wordly possessions


cattqn June 24 2003, 16:59:27 UTC
God Steve, you and your knowing your bible stories.


cattqn June 24 2003, 17:38:33 UTC
Job was "tested" by God; God thought that it would be fun to test Job's faith so he made J's wife an evil slut. Or something really similar.



burningsobright June 24 2003, 19:18:15 UTC
it's not a stage!!!


mulhern June 24 2003, 19:23:32 UTC
I know my bible stories. I apologize, as you can probably see from the grammar and the language, I was incredibly drunk when I posted that.


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