
Jun 20, 2004 04:23

Ok, I realize how metro this is going to make me sound, but I have been watching Sex & The City and I feel the need to rant ( Read more... )

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Comments 22

idressyou June 20 2004, 06:04:16 UTC
That show is a beautiful story of what I want my life to be.

If I were a mix of all those women, I would be the perfect woman.

That's what makes the show great.

It takes one part of the personality of a woman, caricatures it, makes you love it, and makes you realize that you are that woman.

I AM Charlotte - I want to find true love, no matter what the cost.

I AM Miranda - I want to be successful financially, man or no man.

I AM Carrie - I am complicated; I want to be independent, but I love men.

I AM Samantha - I am a sex goddess; I don't care that I'm getting older, I'll get with any guy I want.

That is Sex and the City, my friend. Those are my role models.


mulhern June 20 2004, 10:16:55 UTC
I know exactly what you mean. I am also an almagamation of my four favorite caricatured role models.

I AM Leonardo - Introspective and soulful, I am a born leader.

I AM Donatello - I do machines.

I AM Raphael - Bitingly sarcastic/witty; cool but rude, even.

I AM Michaelagelo - I am a free spirit, a party dude.

That is Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, my friend. Those are my role models.


idressyou June 20 2004, 11:57:41 UTC
You are a dork.


mulhern June 20 2004, 15:29:10 UTC
hey hey hey, you opened the door with your 'I'm every woman' schtick, I simply saw a chance for making-fun-of and I took it.


anonymous June 20 2004, 15:02:21 UTC
I'll bet your Tivo thinks you're gay right now. In order to fix that, you'll need to watch shows that involve football, beer, and sex--minus the city.

- Stephen


mulhern June 20 2004, 15:30:45 UTC
I set it to record the man show. I don't actually watch that dreck, but I tape it nontheless to maintain the illusion.


Hi there anonymous June 23 2004, 10:01:49 UTC
I just was searching around on live journal trying to make some e-friends and you same very yummy. I'm a 6'0 170 gay male who adooooores sex in the city as well and I absolutly love batman in those little tights.....grrrrrr. My email is rainbowdelic@hotmail.com if you wanna correspond. buh BYE!


Re: Hi there mulhern June 24 2004, 01:08:16 UTC

... )


this is mostly unrelated psychaesthetic June 25 2004, 19:54:24 UTC
my girlfriend watches too much sex and the city
on that note, know that psychaesthetic has a LJ
http://www.psychaesthetic.net is our website
you know you want it



jkel25 July 2 2004, 15:18:08 UTC
Pat's Gay. I know it for a fact.


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