Planned, prepared for and executed Yael's 2-year birthday. Splendid success, including several tipsy family members. Pictures to come. Cleaned up afterwards and eventually crashed. Woke back up at 2:30 AM and tried to convince Yael to go back to sleep until 4 AM. Re-crashed.
I was working from home today and didn't have anyone to talk to. So I finally bit the bullet and figured, why talk to *someone*, when I can talk to *everyone*? Hence, muliby on twitter. Leave a comment if you're on twitter.
I'm in lovely Boston this week. Originally I was supposed to attend the Xen Summit North America 2008, MMCS 2008, and USENIX 2008, but I ended up missing the Xen Summit completely and making a just-in-time appearance at MMCS, due to some trouble at home. Thankfully everything is fine now
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Still haven't decided which conferences to submit which paper to, except SYSML which is the obvious venue for the follow-on paper to our Vigilant work.
Simon L. Peyton Jones, John Hughes, and John Launchbury , Department of Computing Science, University of Glasgow, Scotland, "How to write a great research paper".
I spent a couple of pleasant hours today trying to wrap my head around KVM's MMU code. After reading "The Shadowy Depths of the KVM MMU", it suddenly starts to - almost - makes sense.
The tentative agenda for the 2008 KVM forum has been published and is chock-full of awesomeness.