Finish-a-thon BeccaStareyes Poll
The following are the plot-bunnies which BeccaStareyes
beccastareyes has put up for voting:
Fandom: Slayers
Rating: teen
Type: gen
Description: Edit/re-write (finish) "The Sky, Half Covered", part 1 of my unpublished trilogy. Amelia is spearheading a project to use magic to reclaim new lands from the Desert of Destruction to the south. But racial tensions could undo her project before it even begins, so she asks Zelgadis to help her sort things out. 21,649 words written, and I need to re-write some scenes to make them Season 4 compliant and polish the fic.
Fandom: The Dresden Files
Rating: all-ages
Type: gen
Description: Write three chapters on the untitled mermaid story (probably 7500 words). Basically a casefic that involves Harry retrieving a missing object from the bottom of the lake. Decidedly pre-Changes. I have 2469 words (all of Chapter 1) done, and plan to make it 7 chapters, as it was written for a 'days of the week challenge'.
Fandom: Contact (book)/His Dark Materials
Rating: all-ages
Type: gen
Description: Finish "More in Heaven and Earth". Basically an excuse to write a conversation about the nature of the universe between Ellie Arroway and Mary Malone. I'm about 2100 words into a 5000 word story.
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