Inazuma Eleven Meme - 5

May 08, 2011 18:16

Double posting because I can and I have nothing better to do.

Well not really I need to revise for my math test BUT ANYWAY

11. Character you'd become best friends with

Haruna. We'll fangirl over the team and scout out the hottest bishonens best players together!

12. Character with your favorite seiyuu.

It has to be Fubuki. I fell in love with Miyano Mamoru while watching Durarara, and that was the first time I began seriously liking seiyuus. (Before I didn't even think about who voiced the characters, just about the characters themselves XD)

But what cemented him in my favorites list is the fact that the voiced the one and only Galactic Pretty Boy. He certainly dazzles my stage all right!

13. Character you'd go camping with

Urgh, I hate, hate, HATE camping. >.< But if I'm forced into the not-so-great outdoors I'll probably take Hiroto, because at least he knows what he's doing. (At least, I think he does. Doesn't he light a fire in the Kappa ep?)

meme, series: inazuma eleven

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