I thought it was a pretty good episode.[Spoiler (click to open)]Loved Crowley kind of acting human and being addicted to human blood. Of course he was going to figure out that the other demon Lola was using him. OMG Crowley drunk dialing dean so hilarious. THe boys doing a intervention on Crowley and locking him up in the closet again. Crowley wanting to be part of the
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I actually thought that was a good episode, and you know I'm hard to please these days :P Wouldn't get your hopes up on seeing much of Dean, or Sam, next week though. Sounds like it's going to be their time off for good behaviour episode with the plot focussing mainly on Henry Winchester and Abaddon.
aww man I was hoping for a dean centric story about the family secret and depends on what it is how well he takes it. Some people are thinking that the person Abbadon is possessing is really John's mother but Henry was the one who raised him which would be interesting. Are we going to be getting a new chapter soon I know one of the episodes before jossed up chapter 10 for you.
Soon, I promise. Actually it's more the next scene that was jossed up. That's annoying but it's not a problem. Scene 10 is another excursion into Sam's life with the Campbells. It's been a bit of a struggle to write (you might see why when you read it :P) but the delay has really been a combination of work issues and feeling tired a lot of the time due to stuff interfering with my sleep. Plus it's been really humid and muggy here downunder, which doesn't aid concentration! But hopefully today or tomorrow you'll see an update from me :)
yay sounds like it will be interesting. I actually wish it was warmer where I'm at. Its in the early 40's today and tommorrow and then this weekend it goes back to high 20's bleegh. Sorry about the work issues and feeling tired.
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