Title: A Little Less Conversation (A Little More Lambrini)
Fandom: Doctor Who
Type: Drablet (219 words)
Pairing: Ten/Donna
Rating: PG (Or NC-17 if you're a wine snob)
Warnings: Humour.
Author's Notes: ALL
cedara's FAULT! ALL HERS! EVERYTHING!! *wails* Also, unbetaed so grammar: Model's Own.
After many centuries of travelling and many companions falling for his charms and romantic ways of asking for the box of hammers to jump start the TARDIS with, Donna found it bizarre that the Doctor had never experienced the human ritual known as 'the drunken one night stand'. It was with this experience in mind that, on their first revisit to 21st century Earth, she legged it to the nearest off-licence and bought the biggest bottle of Lambrini they had.
Several hours and half a bottle of carbonated paint stripper later, the conversation in the TARDIS had gravitated towards grubby clinches and genetic transfers…
"Sex," Hiccuped the Doctor. "Between humans is a very, very, very, very, very, special thing," He surpressed a burp, and removed Donna's hand from his knee. "It is not to be taken lightly or for granted."
"You're not 'uman though, are ya?" Donna slurred and tried to seduce the Doctor with her booze-induced air of feminine mystique.
"Half… Halfhuman" The Doctor answered frankly between muted burps.
"Which 'alf? Top or bottom?" Donna squinted happily as her optic nerve was partially disintegrated by the heady mix of pure alcohol and artifical fruit flavourings and she thought, for a moment, that she was on for a threesome.
"I dunno. I think I'm a switch." Said the Doctor.