Like many things, this started as a comment on someone else's post, but got far too long for that. So, this is my view on the boycott of Scott Card's work on Superman being conducted by some comic shops and, presumably, comic purchasers
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Comments 4
The problem with Card is that his views turn up in his art - maybe not all of it, but enough of it to make me not want to pay money for any more of it.
Vis. Check out the second page, where the templars are practicing their swordplay.
Yes, it was awesome to know that 'you fight like a girl' is going to be an insult in my favourite fandom now (especially given the general non-sexist nature of Bioware stuff in general), and even more awesome to have it reinforced in the next line "Could a girl have cut you into three pieces?" Well yes, yes she could, and fuck you Mr Card for tainting my fandom with your sexist crap, essentially.
It's notable that the other Dragon Age graphic novels, which do not involve him as a writer, do not contain sexist bullshit.
Yeah. I had this conversation a while ago. As an artist I LOVE the idea that the only thing that matters is the artwork and the artist and his/her intentions/beliefs mean nothing, but sometimes in actual real world situations that does not work out. I was asking for suggestions of SF books to buy my brother for Christmas and people suggested Card books and I was like... my brother's gay. I can't buy Card books for my beloved brother as a present. It would be horribly insulting and gross if I did that. It's not gonna happen. And well, there's lots of other great stuff out there that won't make him vomit, so let's go with that. And the other non-vomictuous suggestions were indeed plentiful and awesome. So... *shrugs*
lalala.. ;-)
Actually, Wagner himself wasn't a Nazi. His music just got appropriated by the Nazi movement, and by Hitler in particular.
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