So, before the formal today (which I won't even bother talking about, even though it was wicked fun), Jasmine and I went to see X-Men Origins: Wolverine.
My gosh.
Before those of you who have seen it delve into the spoilers, those who are undecided about seeing it NEED TO. Oh my gosh. It totally trumps the previous three.
Two biggest reasons:
1: Teenage Cyclops is waaay hotter than big daddy Cyclops.
2: Gambit. Need I say more?
I was so disappointed in Zero. It was like, Hey, this guy is freaking awesome! He would so be with the good guys! What a sexmonster! And then... yargh. Stryker is such a cracker. I want to punch his lights out.
And, m'gawsh. Silver Fox? First chick in a super hero movie that I ever cried for. [DARK KNIGHT SPOILER ALERT](I was actually happy when That One Chick Who Isn't Memorable To Me died in DK. Heroes are always held back by that love technicality). It actually made me dislike Jean Gray more for tempting Logan like that. I mean... wtf?! Phoenix over Silver Fox? Puh-leez.
Anywho, I janked a couple movie posters, so now I have Hugh Jackman on two of my walls. X3 Joy and bliss.