Every Friday at work, I choose 5-6 shelter animals to post on Craigslist just to get them some extra publicity. This week one of my choices was Lexus, an active, friendly short-haired tabby who lost her right rear leg in a car accident. The post title I came up with...?
"Lexus; Slightly Dented, Runs Beautifully!"
...I would have been much more
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Comments 3
I'm thinking about looking at that forum, I desperately need some RP. Thanks for linking it!
The RPs are pretty freeform; most start with an OOC post outlining the general setting, technology level and plot hook, and then go from there. So far its working surprisingly well, and I'm really enjoying myself. There's some grammar abuse going on and some of the plots are pretty generic, but no power gaming, Mary Sue-ing or generalized jerkitude so far.
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