Please date this questionnaire: november 24, 2004
State your name or nickname: Sonia
Your age: 18
Let’s start, with basic time stuff.
1. What are the typical qualities of your Starsign? fun, energetic, sensual, generous, loves luxury, and being the center of attention
2. Do you read your horoscope regularly? not really. everyonce in a while
3. If you do, which ones do you read? ...the one for Leos
4. Which Starsign’s go best with yours, relationship wise? Libras i think
5. Name song released in the year you were born: Berlin- Take My Breath Away =D
6. Did your parents have really awful hairstyles in the eighties (assuming that was the year you were born): actually they sort of isolated themselves from the 80s
7. Do you have any brothers or sisters? yeargh a little sister
8. What was your first pet? a parrot... we didnt really mean for him to be a pet but we taught him spanish and he never really went away.
9. Who was the first singer/group you ever loved? Spice Girls
10. With who did you spend most of your childhood (besides your family): =( theres no one person when your moving around all the time
11. Did you have childhood boyfriends or girlfriends? =P yes several
12. Which first school did you attend? some preschool i hate in The Domincan Republic
13. What CD is in your stereo right now: Muse- Absolution
14. What song do you have stuck in your head: Time Is Running Out
15. Can you dance? the question is can i dance well? actually i have no idea but Zach Jones once told me i have nice moves =D
16. What song did you dance last to? Stop! by the Spice Girls on the bus to Cabaniss with Ekin!
17. Which song do you most like to dance to? haha definetely Stop!
18. Who was the last person you danced with? Ekin
19. What stores do you buy your CDs from? BUY???? ok Tower
20. What was the last CD you purchased? Lacuna Coil's Comalies
21. Do people laugh at your music taste? for the most part no
22. If you were a music genre what would you be? oh jeeze... um id be 90's pop
23. Who are your favourite groups and singers? keane, franz ferdinand, weezer, linkin park, mindless self indulgence, muse, Death Cab For Cutie, Harvey Danger, The Eels, RHCP, Seal.......
24. What are your favourite songs? Bliss by Muse, Are You That Somebody by Aaliyah, Atitude by Alien Ant Farm, Sic Transit Gloria by Brandnew, The Chemicals Between us by Bush, We Looked Like Giants by Death Cab for Cutie, Radio Silence by Harvey Danger, Bedshaped by Keane, From the Inside by Linkin Park, Dont Cry by Seal, and Best I Ever Had by Vertical Horizon.
25. What song or singer/group get you emotional? Linkin Park
26. Who inspire you musically? everyone inspires me
27. If you could take a song and play it in a movie, what song and what movie would that be? Sweet Dreams done by Marylin Manson in pretty much any really raw sex scene
28. If you were in a band (if you aren’t) what would you be called? The Bereft
29. What kind of music would you play? Alternative Rock like Lacuna Coil or Evanescence
30. What was the first movie you ever remember watching? The Little Mermaid
31. What were your favourites as a child? The Little Mermaid, Peter Pan the musical, Mary Poppins, The Wizard of Oz
32. What was the last one you watched? The Manchurian Candidate
33. What are your favourites now? star wars, ferris bueller's day off, Biloxi Blues, Star Trek (except Nemesis), Harold And Kumar thats really all i can think of right now but i know there are more.
34. Are there any movie genres you refuse to watch? chick flicks annoy me
35. Which ones get you the most emotional? ok i admit i cried watching Love Actually
36. Do you watch much TV? nope
37. What do you watch most? The News and The OC
38. What are your favourite TV shows, and why? That 70s show because im in love with Hyde, The OC because im in love with Seth, and Boy meets world because i love them all =D
Sexual preferences etc
39. Are you attracted to the opposite or same sex? opposite for the most part ;)
40. What attracts you most about the opposite (or same) sex? they have to be funny, sincere, considerate, preferably tall with red hair and green eyes. yeah i know theres like 1 person like that but its just preferences
41. Do you have a bf or gf? for now
42. Do you have crushes? oh yeah
(a) If so - who? ...........
(b) What do you like about them? everything
(c) Are you attracted more to their personality or their looks? personality enhances looks
43. Who was the last person you lusted after? oh jeeze....*blushes* can we not go into lust?
44. Do you tell people whom you like? a couple people know
45. Are you the type of person to tell your crush that you like them? only if im absolutely sure that they like me back or someone gets me hyped up to tell them
46. List all the people you have a crush on: whaaaaaaaaaaat? *winces* Dan, Beran, and Dylan
47. What has been your most embarrassing crush? a person ebarrasing enough for me not to say puplically
48. If you could sleep with any celebrity, who would it be? oooohohohooo....CHESTER BENINGTON!
50. How do you like kissing? i love it and put my all into it
51. Which term do you prefer to use (shag, have sex, sleep with, f, make love): have sex cause uh its normal?
52. Have you ever been heartbroken? oh jeeze yeah
53. If so - by who? Chia pet
54. Have you ever kissed a friend? on the cheek sure
55. What turns you on? confidence
56. What turns you off? smoking and violence
57. Given the choice, if you could sleep with any five people (obviously at different times) who would you sleep with? yeah im not going to answer this very incriminating question
58. How often do you feel romantic? most of the time actually
59. In what ways are you affectionate? i like to snuggle =D
60. Are you a flirt? there are definetely times....
61. How do you like your guys or girls (personality): like my chocolate: dark and rich =D KIDDING i like them to be good people.
62. The same as above but looks: i thought i explained my facination with the tall skinny white boys with red hair and green eyes
63. If you had to sleep with any person of the same sex, whom would you sleep with? ROFL JILLIAN SMITH MUAHAHAHHA
64. Do you have any weird fantasies you haven’t carried out yet? yes
65. When was your last sexual experience? um um...ok friday
66. The last person who asked you out? Dan =/
67. The last person who complimented you sexually: SEXUALLY? oh jesus.... i dont remember.. that is so sad!!
68. What do you sleep in? t shirt and shorts
69. Your favourite piece of sexy underwear you own? i have sexy underwear?
70. Do you have a best friend? yar
71. Which friends do you most enjoy spending time with? Andrew and Jillian
72. Name all your friends: not possible
73. Who is -
(a) The most intelligent? hrmmm.... Kelly Webster
(b) The most dumb? BRADLEY MUAHAHAHHA no just kidding sweetheart. its probably me -_-
(c) The prettiest? My fluffy bunny is the most beautifullest girl of all
(d) The most considerate? Kimmon
(e) The kindest? Andrew =D
(f) The funniest? I AM MUAHAHA ok Dan's funnier
(g) Eats the weirdest food? ok im sorry but i think fried zimbabue catipillar takes the proverbial cake
(h) Has the coolest dress sense? Brad
(i) Has the best hair? again Brad
(j) Has the best figure? Beran
(k) Has the best eyes? Dan
(l) The happiest? Hui
(m) The most miserable? O_O none of you better be miserable or ill do something about it!
(n) The most outgoing? Kelley O'brien
(o) The most talkative? definetely Michael
(p) Is the sexiest? Kelly Webster ;)
(q) The last friend you emailed? John
(r) The last friend you text? Brad
(s) The last friend you spoke to on the phone? Brad
(t) The last friend you saw in person? David Brad and Andrew
(u) (Laughs) The friend you would most like to sleep with? ... im sorry i dont understand the question
(v) The friend you have had sexual contact with in the past? really im just not registering...
(w) The friend who compliments you most? um no one? lol gawd i dont know i dont pay attention
(x) The friends you have lunch with? Brad and Hui
(y) The friends who like the same music as you? Jill, Ekin and Dan
(z) The friends you argue with most? Dan =(
74. What part of your appearance do you spend the most amount of time trying to get perfect? my hair
75. List, in order, the colours your hair has been: um dark brown dark brown oh and dark brown
76. Which celebrity do you envy most for their looks? Catherine Zeta Jones
77. What part of your appearance are you most vain about? My hair
78. What is your body shape? im all curves
79. Your hair colour? dark brown
80. Your eye colour? dark brown
81. How much does beauty mean to you? im an artist! it mean everything! and everything is beautiful!
82. Do you have a strict beauty regime? no im lazy
83. What make up do you use? clinique and maybeline
84. What part of your appearance gets complimented most? my hair
85. What do you take care of most? my hair
86. How long is your hair? shoulder length
87. How often do you wash it? every three days as perscribed =D
88. What colour do you wear most? red
89. Explain:
90. What kind of jewellery do you wear? my watch my heart bracelet and my jade necklace
91. Whose sense of style do you most admire? japanese street
92. How do you dress like? whatever i feel like
93. How often do you brush your teeth? every day
Your surroundings
94. Where do you live? in richmond
95. Do you live in a house/bungalow/flat/somewhere random? dorm
96. Do you live on a road/street/or in a close? dorm
97. Is your house (if it is a house) part of an estate? dorm
98. What kind of house is it? ITS A FUCKING DORM
99. When was it built? who the hell cares
100. Has it ever had an extension? no
101. How long have you lived there? since august
102. How many bedrooms does it have? DORM!!!!!!
103. Who has the biggest bedroom? the person in the corner room that used to be a closet... the CLOSET is bigger than this....
104. What does your house consist of (rooms wise): DORM
105. What colour is -
(a) your bedroom: apparently i dont have one anymore it used to be yellow
(b) your parent’s bedroom: each walls a different shade of a light brown
(c) your siblings bedroom: off white
(d) any spare bedrooms: no
(e) the bathroom: white
(f) the lounge: glass green i think we painted it
(g) the kitchen: yellow
(h) any additional rooms: pale yellow, coffee brown, or blue
106. Your bedroom -
(a) Describe the layout, or insert a picture (one can be made on Microsoft paint etc): its messy and it doesnt belong to me anymore. ask my cousin
(b) What posters do you have on the walls: bunch of anime posters a picture of 5ive and the ship from master and commander
(c) What kind of style were you trying to create when decorating: me?
(d) When did you last decorate it: never
(e) Who did it: me
(f) Do you have wallpaper or paint? paint
Creativity Imagination
107. In what ways are you creative? im an art student
108. Have you ever written a poem? yup
109. A book? no just short stories
110. A Song? yup
111. What were your favourite subjects at school? english, and art
112. Are you good at Art? id cartainley hope so! O_O.
113. Do you draw? duh
114. If so - what do you draw? what they tell me to and my own stuff if i have time
115. Describe one of your drawings: lots of elves
116. How big is your imagination, on a scale of 1-10? 8
117. Did you have imaginary friends when you were little? no
118. Would you say you were a daydreamer? yeah id get in trouble for it
119. What are you good at? drawing and coming up with story ideas
120. What are you bad at? math