yesterday was nice. geoffrey came over early and then we headed out to his parents for fathers day dinner there. his mom's side of the family was there so i got to meet them for the first time. i enjoyed meeting his cousin adam. he's a very easy guy to discourse with. after the bbq, we went to savemart to get apple turnovers. we walked back to mikes and dilly dallied there for a bit, until we headed back to my house to lay out in the backyard eating baked turnovers and drinking sodas. it was a very lovely night. we fell asleep outside for a bit, but woke up and moved indoors so we weren't ravaged by slimy slugs and such. geoffrey gave me a stuffed doggie. it's so cute. thank you hun. overall, the day was well spent considering it was our 4 month celebration.
well dick shits. little red riding is in the motherfuckin hood. what the bloody hell. i am already suffering and she decides to be a nuisance and visit me at a very bad time indeed. damn snatch. i wish i could trade my genitalia for male genitalia for one week every month. oh how lovely that would be. do i have any offers? come on, someone has to be willing.
i am awfully delighted that geoffrey and his friends do not like mike d's music. he gave me mike's song dictionary cd and it is composed of all the song's i loved and used to listen to way back when. it reminds me of all the times in 8th grade when i was a thugged out g that listened to slow sappy love songs. actually i was a bookworm in 8th grade, but whatever. i still liked rap and r&b then, as i do now. oh how i reminisce of the times i had listening to these songs with jess and her sister. good times.
thank you kayti-san for the lj code. much
tomorrow is the start of a new and improved me. i, once again, contradict my contradiction of not seeing anyone for a week. it doesn't make sense to confine myself even more and remain a recluse to the world. why can't i ever seem to make up my mind?! sheesh-ka-bob.
someone hire me!
these gray instant message pop-ups are starting to irritate the hell out of me. it happens every five minutes and will not stop unless i decide to pay 30 buckaroos for a program that causes blockage. that, my friend, is what i call bullshit.
i need to not be such a potty mouth.
i got my report card today. i did better than i thought, although it sucks to know i could have done better. i wish i was able to keep my goal of graduating with a gold robe, but that cannot happen anymore. oh well, i tried, sometimes.
to those i don't speak to often and who by chance, just happens to read this, "hi!"
tony giantotti's mother is so fucking awesome. she's such a great person. thank you, thank you so so much.
What 40 ounce are you?
What pisses you off?
*looks at the current world's population* You must have a lot of frustration then.
WATER OF WATER. Pretty lady! Fair and gentle, your empathy attracts others to you. Possibly psychic, you are pure emotion and are more likely to act on feeling rather than practical thought or logic. You think that's just fine because imagination is important. You are the Whore of Babylon with her cup of abominable things, the Medium of Endor and in the mundane world you usually make a good wife and mother. You shine when you are able to give emotional support to others.
Quizcreated by
Polly Snodgrass.
What Type of Friend are
What High School
Stereotype Are You?
my auntie got her breast thingy results back. she has cancer. today is her birthday and she is depressed.
my mommy has the papers in her poccession. divorce papers that is. my daddy promises to change. bullshit. oh man, i didn't think she would do it. but it is done and she did it. holy schmoly.