Well, finally got some work coming in... Whatever is on this friday at Entertainment Centre is proudly brought to you by Pukes Mighty Biceps
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Well, I started with the MMA training last week... leaving home this morning at ungodly o'clock for stretching... all in all a better workout than the job that never calls
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Wait a minute... I thought I owed my ex money... Then I thought about all the fair points both my friends and my brain made about this issue... This is the same ex who A) Still has my books; B) Burned all my clothes (but not my clippers) and justified this as a means to eradicate the memory of "the good times"; C) But still has the $850
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Puke is looking for a share house. Puke has Pension, job (soon enough), and personality. Puke needs room. Not urgent mind you, and preferably with people I know. I'll need time to buy stuffs and save bond etc, so just giving you all an opportunity to keep me in mind when the cool people start asking around for new flatmates.