Title: Everything After
Day/Theme: August 1; come up through the summer rain
Fandom: Wild ARMs 5
Characters/Pairing: Greg, Rebecca; lightly implied Greg/Rebecca
Rating: G
Word Count: 186
Note: Yes, I know I'm going to hell. /cries
“Visiting your wife again?”
Greg looked from out from the corner of his eye; Rebecca was standing there, a soft smile on her face, trying to hold an umbrella over the both of them.
He pulled his hat down. “Yeah.”
She continued to stare down at the gravestone with him, silent, before saying, “You’ll catch a cold like this, you know.”
“Yeah, well,” he chuckled darkly, “suits an occasion like this, don’t you think?”
Her eyelids fluttered down, and she spoke calm and lightly. “Rain brings new life; just because it’s sad doesn’t mean you should let it get to you.”
He looked at her, not saying a word, as she turned around and tipped the umbrella higher towards him. “Let’s go back?”
Taking the umbrella from her hand, he held it above the both of them, and smiled as she blinked in surprise. She looked up at him, still puzzled, and he said in reply, “Looked like you were straining yourself.”
She stuck her tongue out at him, said she wasn’t having any trouble at all, but still walked beside him back to the hotel.