Title - Fighting in Cars with Boys Pairing - Castle/Beckett Disclaimer - I don't own Castle Summary - You can't walk away from a fight when you're locked in a trunk.
Best rescue ever! So very funny. I also love this: "We just had a fight. And we're both still here...Well, technically there's nowhere to go... Just because what the two of them really need is to be locked somewhere together until they work it out. Thank you for sharing this.
DAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Ohhhhhhhhhhh I love this! It's angry & sweet & passionate with liberal sprinklings of what it would be like with Rick/Kate, Kevin & Javi, one great big crime solving family.
Aside: I'm missing Chapters 3 & 4 of The Waiting Game which I have just discovered & am loving. Is it a typo or did you just not tag those chapters?
Thank you so much for all you nice comments! I'm glad you liked it.:)
All chapters of Waiting Game should be on my journal. If they aren't showing up under the tag just try scrolling down - I hardly ever post, the only entries are fic, so it should't be hard to find. If it still isn't showing up (lj and I have problems sometimes) The whole thing is on ffnet. My username is muppet47 there, too.
I'm delighted to have finally caught up with this fic. It's hilarious and compelling and set on an excruciatingly glacial timeline. I love the crack!fic elements of circus people and ferrets, and love what Castle/Beckett are on the brink of. Well done! Now I'm set up to receive alerts so I feel better now. Looking forward to the next chapter :)
Comments 15
Thanks for reading.:)
Aside: I'm missing Chapters 3 & 4 of The Waiting Game which I have just discovered & am loving. Is it a typo or did you just not tag those chapters?
All chapters of Waiting Game should be on my journal. If they aren't showing up under the tag just try scrolling down - I hardly ever post, the only entries are fic, so it should't be hard to find. If it still isn't showing up (lj and I have problems sometimes) The whole thing is on ffnet. My username is muppet47 there, too.
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