who has too much time on her hands?

May 19, 2005 11:30

1. Nicknames? MK,MissKellen, Captain Spanky Pants, DD, Pita, Danger Puppy, lolita
2. B-day: Jan. 9th, 1982
3. Age: 23
4. Sex: girl
5. What time is it? 11:31am
6. Where do you live? Brooklyn
8. Siblings and their ages? brother, 25
11. Righty or Lefty: righty

*********YOUR LOOKS*********
12. Hair color: it's kinda messy right now. we're figuring it out.
13. Eye color: greenish-hazel
14. height: 6'1"
15. Do you wear contacts or glasses? no
16. Do you have any piercings? yesm
17. Where do you want more if you do? I think I want my lip done. or nose.
18. Do you have a tattoo? 5
20. Do you wear any rings? one, that is actually two, and they are actually ring guards.
21. Do you have a certain fashion you follow? "short-flippy-skirt, platforms"

**********JUST LATELY***************
23. How are you today? tired, rested, drained, thinking, avoiding, moving.
24. What pants are you wearing right now? these weird jean type thingers
25. What shirt are you wearing right now? it's PINK.
27. What does your hair look like at the moment? crap
28. What song are you listening to right now? who the hell knows, some new artist.
29. Freckles or none? yeah. nose and shoulders.
30. How is the weather right now? partly cloudy.
31. Last Dream you can remember? kinda vague from 2 nights ago, about saturdays show.
32.Who are you talking to right now? Soco

************More about you!*****************
35. What are the last four digits of your phone number? 1979
36. Do you like the person that sent you this? I stole it.
39. How do you eat an Oreo: I don't eat oreos.
40. What makes you happy? friends, family, my cats, music, travel.
42. What's the best advice ever given to you? "We all make choices"
45. What are your future goals? to own my industry
47. Worst sickness you ever had? When I was 15, the first week or two at boarding school, my liver started failing. It got better.
48. What's the stupidest thing you have ever done? Not walking away sooner.
49. What's your favorite memory? I have a lot. Eastern colorado plains at 6:30am, a couple of shows, hawaii, morning blue thing.
50. If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be? to understand the other side a little better.
51. Where do you shop the most? nyc
52. How many kids do you want to have? right now? none.
53. Son's name: kitty
54. Daughter's name: kitty
55. Do you do drugs? on occassion.
56. Do you drink? uh huh.
58. What sport do you hate the most? listening to football
59. What are you most scared of? spiders. cockroaches. parents dying.
60. How many TV's do you have in your house? 1
61. Do you have your own? sure, it's my apartment.
63. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? some nights
64. Have you ever broken/sprained/fractered a bone? I've torn all the ligaments in my ankle to shit. 3 different times.
67. Who's the loudest friend you have? Acey
69. Is cheerleading a sport? Are we throwing things at them?

*************You and love************************
72. Do you believe in Love? yes.
73. Do you have a girlfriend or boyfriend? no i do not.
75. Who is your crush? There are...4 right now.
77. Do you believe in Love at first sight? you mean lust, right? yep.
80. What's the first thing you notice about the oppisite sex? height.
81. Are you shy to ask someone out? generally not
82. Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with? my cat
83. Do you find yourself attractive? some days.
84. Do you find yourself ugly? some days
85. Do others find you attractive? Apparently. Although, I do attract a very unpleasant type most of the time.

138. On the phone or in person? in-person.
139. Paper or plastic? recycle both.
140. Sausage or pepperoni? ew. cute animal! no eat!
141. Summer or winter? spring and fall in NYC
142. Hugs or kisses? at the same time
143. Chocolate or white milk: soy
144. Root Beer or water: water
145. Glass half full or half empty? what's in the glass?
148. Cats or Dogs? both. mostly cats. they are easier.
150. Vanilla or Chocolate? vanilla
151. Skiing or Boarding? snow is too damn cold.
152. Day or night? night
153. Cake or pie? pie
155. Diamond or pearl? neither.
156. sunset or sunrise? sunrise

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Have You Ever?~~~~~~~
178. Loved someone so much it makes you cry? and cry and cry and cry.
180. Drank? yes
181. Ever gotten dumped? not particularly
182. Broke the law? yesm
185. Stole something? from work.
186. Tried to kill yourself? no.
187. Made yourself throw up? yes
189. Made yourself cry to get out of trouble? don't think so.

**********On a Final Note*******************
190. Do you like filling these out? when i'm bored.
191. How many people are you sending this to? none - now sending to a very bored johnny
192. Do you want your friends to write back? only if they are bored.
194. Who is most likely to respond?
195. What first comes to mind? home. coffee. rest. him.
197. Now what is the time? 11:50a
198. What song is playing now? All the love in the world | NIN
199. How Do you Feel?: the same as before.
200. Any Last Words?: there is a ton of confetti floating outside my window.
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