
May 26, 2016 12:35

Well, the move is done and I've spent a week living in the new place. There's still a lot of unpacking and figuring out of things to be done. The new place is nice and fairly quiet. I need to get some curtains for the bedroom since it's well-lit outside at night and a lot of light gets in around/through the blinds ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

gre7g May 26 2016, 19:18:15 UTC


davesmusictank May 27 2016, 15:49:35 UTC
Think i need to see a movie on the big screen soon.


murakozi May 27 2016, 16:42:25 UTC
The last movie I saw on the big screen was Zootopia. The one before that was Guardians of the Galaxy. Before that, it'd been years since I'd gone to a theater to see a movie.


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