Title: Of Courting Danger and Late Night Bike-rides
Pairing: Yunho/Jaejoong
Genre: Angsty-fluff..or fluffy-angst? you decide ^__^
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I don’t own the boys.
Prompt: meaning of life and death
The meaning of death…the meaning of life..
There is something addicting in the way the streetlights seem to flash you past. All blurring red-green speckles as the stinging wind draws tears from your eyes. Blood pumps in your ears...cold numbing your fingers; yet you clutch the handlebars all the more tighter. You are free, finally flying, breaking shackles from all that which ties you to the ground, a temporary respite from those perturbing questions (~and yet you know that it’s not the questions that make you so uneasy, you are unafraid, but what you fear are the answers it draws from you~)
And maybe…just maybe…if you went that much faster…more reckless… let go .. you could see the end of this futile hunt. Lurking in the shadows, just beyond reach; the reason you choose to dance around danger like this. And the answers, troubled by them as you are, you’d finally let yourself rest..
Control is a fragile thread; life grazes past you…just like the wind flitting through your fingertips.
..And Jaejoong is hooked.
The first time Yunho sees him like that, wild-eyed and windblown after a long hard reckless drive through Seoul’s streets; it earns him a slap to the face.
“Don’t you dare take your life so lightly”
Jaejoong can feel those shackles form again, anchoring him to the ground. He needs to escape, he’s tired of this constant grappling and battling. To think for a moment that he’s finally understood, just to let it wash over him like a surging wave, making him lose him balance and fall.
There’s a strange look to Yunho’s eyes, a wild desperation that begs him to understand. Whatever that he’s trying to tell you. To acknowledge those answers that keep him awake on nights. The need to just throw his self-imposed control to the wind and let go.
Oh...Jaejoong wishes he could understand, but he’s so lost..so lost..
Down in the garage, the engine revs up noisily. He slips his leather gloves on, flexing his fingers before adjusting the gears. The sharp taps of someone descending the stairs has him turning around.
Yunho wordlessly gets onto the bike, hands bracing against Jaejoong’s shoulders, resting his body against the solid strength.
The chilly breeze wraps around him, and suddenly, the brimming of tears lending him unforetold strength, he is laughing.
Was it a smooth ride to paradise, or was it crash and burn?
He will never know, but at least, he can have this.
“Hang on”
He tightens his grip. His meaning of life is right here.
A/N: To make a long story short-Jae’s in love, he’s also in denial. Yea..and I know it’s too imagery-ish and abstract random ..^___^ Comments are appreciated, concrit is <333