Title: Kimi wa Petto - Scared!!
Pairing: RyoDa
Genre: fluff, crack
Rating: PG
Summary: Tatsuya is scared of the rain and thunder. Sequel to
Kimi wa PettoDisclaimer: HA. HA. HA. The title isn’t even mine, stealing it from MatsuJun’s dorama’s title
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Comments 36
Not sure I'll be committed enough to keep on writing..
But I still have some idea about this series, so might be updating once in a while^^
Thank you for reading and commenting....
so cute!!!
now tat-chan is afe with ryo ne~
Love it very much!!!
Thank you for reading and commenting....
this is just sweet... ^_^
and this series is just so adorable, i like it~
Glad you think so.
Thank you for reading and commenting^^
aww this is so cute.
Lol I agree it should be made into a multichap fic.
Not sure I will be committed enough to keep writing...
But I still have some idea for this series, so might still updating once in a while :D
Thank you for reading and commenting^^
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Thank you for reading and commenting^^
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