Hai gaiz, how does i choose grad skoolz?
That...actually pained me to write. Wow. I just... Wow.
But seriously, I have no idea how to go about looking for a good graduate school. I know that the Monterey Institute is like A+ on some things, but I don't want to settle just because it's got that "lol, near my house derp derp derp" thing even if it's a good school. If I'm going to go to grad school (and possibly get a second degree in anthropology at the same time at a local college if I have time, which I doubt I will lol masters programs), I'd like to go to one that is, well, good. One that will give me the most opportunities once I'm out of school. MIIS leads a lot of people into freelance work, which is awesome, but freelance in this economy is kind of shiiiiiiit.
Also, I know that MIIS also has a good Teaching English as a Foreign Language AND a Teaching Foreign Languages program, which is also A+ because that and Translation/Interpretation is what I want to do, I think. The anthropology thing is more like "lol, this is fun, i likes it" and then I can learn how to research and continue to pursue Japanese history on my own, really. I love Japanese history. I loves it. I love going through and finding weird things like researching when ramen first entered Japan and when it became popular - or even chocolate. Or butter. Butter was a fun one to learn. "THIS WILL HEAL YOUR BURN---WAIT, WTF THIS DOESN'T WOOOOOORK." Lol, Japan.
Anyway. Hur, I wish I had, idk, used the career counseling center a lot more in college now. I was only thinking about 5 years into the future. And now that I am five years in the future, I have no idea wtf to do. 8D
I looked up on gradschools.com and whatnot, but that was...way too commercial. You can tell that the programs at the top are the ones that are paying for advertising space and that not all programs are in there. Does anyone have any suggestions? Idk, if it were possible to do a dual Masters, that'd be even better. One where I do Teaching Foreign Languages (or Teaching English as a Foreign Language) and Translation/Interpreting together would be the most ideal.
Does anyone have any tips? I trust you guys since I know a lot of you went to grad school (and are in grad school now or recently graduated). I should probably also contact my school and see if I can't get their opinion from Career Counseling still. That would be...kind of awesome. orz
Wow, I've been tl;dr-ing a lot lately.
Going to meet An tonight to talk with her about her doctorate research into Lolita. Perhaps I'll ask her about these things, too. It'll be a big person's meeting. Except with frills or something. Well, not on my part, but whatever.
EDIT: For my own reference:
Top 10 US Translation Schools