#276 - [FIC] - Secret Love - BangHim oneshot

Mar 06, 2012 17:31

Yongguk leaves the studio quietly and wonders what to do next. Everyone’s preparing to go to bed, but he doesn’t feel like sleeping; not now at least. The blond just takes his jacket and goes out to the backyard. There’s not exactly much to do, so he just sits on the concrete steps and sighs.

It’s a silent and clear night; the only sounds are coming from their dorm and Yongguk just shakes his head hearing the voices of his supposed-to-be silent members. He rummages through his pockets, pulls out a lighter and a pack of cigarettes. He stares at them for a while, finally placing one cigarette between his lips and lighting it. He inhales, feeling the warm smoke fill his system, holds it in for a little and exhales. The smoke silently flies up into the sky and Yongguk follows it with his gaze. The night is clear, he can spot a few stars out there too. He takes one more drag and loses himself in his thoughts.

The blond is brought back by the footsteps behind him; Himchan’s, he notes. The cigarette has almost burned down by now and he throws it away before it can burn his fingers.

“You’ll catch a cold like this,” Himchan says, sitting next to him. Yongguk shrugs.

“I’m fine,” he mutters while the younger is wiggling in his seat, trying to get comfortable. He ends up right by his side, his head rested on Yongguk’s shoulder. The leader smacks his thigh. “Your pants are going to burst if you continue wearing them like this.”

“Will you stop it,” Himchan huffs and hits his thigh too. “Your pants aren’t very different from mine.”

Yongguk chuckles and doesn’t say anything else. There’s not much to say anyways, it’s fine to just sit with Himchan without doing anything, the younger made him feel comfortable. They sit like that for a while, just listening to whatever was going on in the house, staring somewhere in front of them. Yongguk even thinks that maybe Himchan has fallen asleep, but as he hugs his sweater closer to him he realizes that they’re both still awake. He then remembers what he originally came here for, so he pulls out another cigarette with an intention to smoke it properly. Himchan frowns as the cigarette touches his lips.

“You should quit,” he says.

“I will.”

“When?” the younger asks and receives a shrug as an answer. Just like any other time he had asked. “At least make something cool with the smoke, like a heart or those rings or something.”

“Oh come on,” Yongguk takes a long drag, exhaling the smoke slowly. “I’m not smoking because the smoke’s pretty.”

Himchan doesn’t say anything after that; he just watches the smoke, the ash, the cigarette travelling from his hyung’s lips to the ground. There’s around half a cigarette left when he lifts up his head and calls out his name. Yongguk turns to him with a question on his face. They stare at each other and then Himchan kisses him. There are no tongues, no intruding into each other’s mouths, but Himchan can taste the smoke, it’s dull and tastes like leather and it isn’t that bad this way but he still doesn’t like it very much. He can tell his hyung is a little surprised but he hides it very well and he knows that he’s not the type to think about trivial things for a long time, so he kisses back instantly. It’s unexpected yet comfortable and familiar for both of them so Himchan sneaks his hand along Yongguk’s jawline, cheek and around his neck. He brings them both closer for a bit, but Yongguk suddenly jumps away and he feels a little hurt, even if involuntarily.

“Fuck,” the older curses under his breath and throws the cigarette on the ground. “I burned myself.”

Himchan laughs. He doesn’t know why he finds it so funny, but he does and he tells Yongguk that it’s one of the reasons he should quit smoking. So we can kiss without such disturbances.

Yongguk smiles while blowing cold air on his fingers. It’s such a weird situation, he swears he can hear Secret Love playing somewhere in the background and all the reporters asking them if they have ever been in a secret relationship. He just laughs along with Himchan and leans in to peck his lips. Himchan ruffles his hair while standing up.

“I’m going to tuck the kids into bed, don’t stay there for long,” he says before disappearing in the doorway.

Yongguk pulls out one more cigarette. He swears this one is the last, but he doesn’t finish it. He should quit.

p:banghim, b: b.a.p

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