friend add murdermods
friend add themurdergang
friend add strandedinchina
friend add cheerfulyet
friend add afterburned
friend add diggingforgold
friend add endofarainbow
friend add habituallydrunk
friend add khaaaan
friend add mrsvance
friend add notwhitefang
friend add rabbleroused
friend add savoytruffled
friend add spinphd
friend add strvng
friend add vancelias
friend add wordcoining
friend add elenamessenger
friend add moneysings
friend add coxsure
friend add sincielo
friend add rashleader
friend add erracticism
friend add casemethod
friend add curseyouxerox
friend add sinceremaggie
friend add anaiva
friend add nettoyer
friend add beahart
friend add frakwad
friend add pullingdaisy
friend add notrobinhood
friend add setmatchrun
friend add n_jaka
friend add stilettostrike
friend add sogloomy
friend add notashowgirl
friend add dickanddora
friend add flamingoh
friend add impontaneous
Copy and past the above into the
friend console and execute!