Freakin FALL OUT BOY concert!!!

Oct 27, 2008 23:38

Hehehe... welll, I went to see FOB and I looovvveeedddd it!!
Seriously, I ended up right in front of Pete effing Wentz!!! Amazing.
I have been wanting to see these guys for a loooong time. I mean... just gah. No more words available to describe how utterly godly those men are.

Well, I was there kinda early to start with... I got there at about quarter to six in the morning, and it was effing freezing, so I was curled up under a blanket, trying to unsucessfully keep warm and use my buddy for body heat... she was not complying grrr. Not long after that, Jessie and Gemma turned up. I didn't know that Jessie was to become my new best friend for the day... I turned her into that lattteeerrrr. Anyways, we eventually struck up various convos, chattered, it started to not be nighttime anymore and I was slowly becoming more numb with cold.

Which member of FOB had the bright idea to come to the UK in the winter? Cause I wanna tell them off. I got so numb with cold that it hurt like nothing else. Converse are not conducive to winter weather... seriously.

Hannah did some amazing PatD dancing for us, then the Guilty Pleasure dance. We had major chats with lotsa peoples, vair vair fun and excitering. During the course of the day we loudly discussed FOB, various other peoples on the FBR and Decaydance family thingie, along with other people generally, mostly talking about their relationships with each other, and me and Jessie talked a lot a lot about fanfics etc. Gemma and I shared many views on Twilight and that sign that said SISK never did get edited by us to say Sisky... totally should've.... I forgot.

There were many trips made to Mickey Ds for toilets, general warmth, coffee, tea and food during the course of the day. The ten minute hikes there were bearable if onyl for the benifits having arrived. Our amazing banner, might I add, did go down well.

As peoples slooowly arrived, they gave us funny looks cause there were a whole bunch of us with a destroyed looking tent, loadsa food and drinks, pillows and blankets, all huddling screeching, laughing and huggling. Deffo a little strange if you hadn't been there since relatively early that morning.

There was a dude with Bob Bryar eyes too... I did point this out to someone, Jessie I think, who alerted everyone else silently by text... some people needed to work on their stealthiness at peeking at him after that though... hmph... thankfully I don't think he noticed.

Other notes before entering? Well, Ross had an awesome Mickey Mouse scarf, the t-shirt everyone helped me do was awesome, it was still cold, the queue went on for miles by doors open time (we were laughin at the other fools) Toby completely was a gay biker... i mean, tight jeans and leather jacket? Duhhh.... and uh, we brought out the baby to much confusion and amusement, lmao.

Once inside, the usual jazz of bein made to sit, so I was on Pete's side, on the barrier between Diana and another lovely Jess, :) Then eventually, we stood up, and eventually You Me At Six came on.

Now, I gotta say, I do listen to YMAS, and I do like them, but I do not claim to know the words to any of their songs, and thus felt really bad half the time, but they were very good live, very funny and a good show. I'd happily go see them again sometime. ^_^

Boys Like Girls on sometime after that, and, well, I gotta say, I like them guys lots. I like their music and them and just gah... I totally got spat on by one of the guitarists, but they were good fun, and, unexpectedly, Pete came on during their set and took over Bass for a song! We were all a bit like 'WTF?!? You're not supposed to be on yet! I wasn't ready to break my voice box fool!' but he was awesome anyways, and he grins so adorably!!! The BLG bassist (not Pete's cameo role) was actually reallly gorgeous... Mmmm. More bout him shortly.

Anyways, we reckon Pete was checking out the crowd when he came out to play, so we were being retards and guessing what he was saying to them backstage. Apparently I hit his personality on the mark with my input, but I can't remember what I was saying now, so... blah, it was a funny convo anyways.

Next of course, they sorted out FOBs screens and all that jazz... which took forever. We persuaded the security to let us have our banner overt the barrier until a couple of songs into FOBs set... so that was cool. When FOB came on with their instruments, most peoples couldn't see them cause of the screen, but because we were so close, we could anyway and were screaming our little hearts out, bien sur. When they dropped the screen and started up... well, I swear I could have cried.

I loved it, every moment of the whole thing. I screamed along with every word, and whenever Pete was near me, (so, most of the time) I turned into a fangirlish mess of of grinning and screaming myself hoarse... y'know the feeling? Lol. But he noticed that I kept singing his parts int he songs when I knew they were coming, so he was grinning when he noticed... eek, I almost died at that point. Of course, they did notice our huuuge banner, but we didn't unfortunately manage to get it to them. Shame, but I'll live.  Now, before they played 'I Slept With Someone In Fall Out Boy...' my mate lobbed on stage the doll we'd made for Pete. He got it, cause it landed right next to him, and picked it up. He was grinning and read it out into the mic... basically - I wrote what was written on the doll as a moment of genius and he read it and grinned about it, so I had a complete spaz fit and shrieked my head off. Naturally. Sooo amazing. You can hear him reading some of it at the beginning of one of the vids on you tube, lol. It was pure coincidence that he read it before that particular song as well... cause it said 'My Mummy Slept With Someone In Fall Out Boy and My Daddy Got Me' on it.. lmao. Fate. Meant to be, clearly. ^_^

Anyways, incredible gig, touched Pete's hand as well... I very almost cried. No joke.

Ribs hurt after, but my mate had got one of Pete's plectrums for me so I cheered up, I was kinda high on FOB and couldn't talk, but I sooo didn't care. Got a FOB tee and a YMAS one too cos the BLG ones were too expensive. Then went and hung about by the exit to wait for the bands.

Never got to see FOB, but the bassist from BLG came out and was just drinking and smoking a bit. No-one dared to go talk to him for some reason, so my mate said if I did it, that was fine....

We huggled, talked, did photos and shiz.... and he signed things. I want to eat him for breakfast.

Anyways, I am knackered, so not more to this journal methinks. ^_^ 

fob blg ymas amazing gig wembley

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