((Questions stolen from
8th_castellan who stole them from
questionthepups. Answers are my own interpretation of Murdoc and not necessarily canon.
What item does your character wish he possessed that he doesn't? How badly does he want it and what would he do to get it?
As far as material things go, Muds can buy almost anything he wants. And, contrary to how he makes it seem, he doesn't REALLY want much of anything material. He just likes asking for things...demanding them.
Right now, the one 'thing' he wants is his soul back. Aside from that, he wants Tank Girl to himself, but she's not an "item".
Think back to when your character was five years old, eight years old, twelve years old. Write a holiday gift wish-list from his point of view.
5 - He wanted a puppy. He also wanted to live in a house where he could want or have a puppy.
8 - He wanted a bicycle and somewhere to go other than home or school.
12- A nicer stereo, an electric guitar, and a fake ID.
How does your character feel about physical possessions in a general sense?
He loves to own things. He never had much growing up, so he measures a lot of his worth by his ability to just buy more useless shit. He doesn't collect, though. Most of what he buys or owns he quickly uses up and throws away. The things he buys out of need rather than passing fancy are far more utilitarian and boring.
What is your character's most treasured possession?
For the longest time it was a Fender jazz bass that was the first bass guitar he ever owned. Bass is the first useful skill he ever managed to be passably good at and so the stolen instrument stands out as significant.
Now, however, it's probably the stone fetish necklace that Tank gave him.
What is your character's secret dream? What one goal, ambition or desire does he/she keep hidden from others, and why? What would they do to achieve it?
Murdoc would like to have his friendship with his brother back the way it was when they were kids. He'd like some sense of family, even if it was just feeling like his bandmates accepted and cared for him the way they seem to with each other. Aside from Hannibal, Murdoc's never really had a family and he lost what he did have when he was still young. For him, families are just something you see on greeting cards and on the telly. He quietly likes the idea of people who care for you unconditionally, though.
Sadly, there isn't much of anything he would do to achieve this goal. He's rather defeatest sometimes and this just doesn't seem like something he can ever have, so he doesn't try. Besides, it would ruin his image.
Write a list of your character's top five lifetime achievement goals.
1- Become famous at any cost (check)
2- Maintain that fame for as long as humanly possible
3- Be a better man than his father or brother (check?)
4- Try the entire kama sutra (he's done all of the easier ones, but some of them are downright painful)
5- Be known and remembered after he dies.
Starting at age 15, write down one major goal for each five years of your character's life until
her current age.
15-20: Get as far away from his father as possible and enjoy life to the fullest.
20-25: Make money without working at it (this goal lasts throughout his life)
25-30: Start a chart topping band
30-35: Form a band around Stuart Tusspot's talent and looks.
35-40: Use the fame and money of Gorillaz to make a name for himself and find his immortality.
What is your character's worst fear? How far would he go to avoid it?
His worst fear is being nobody. He fears a funeral no one attends and having no one know who he was when he's gone. Muds doesn't know how to be well liked, he never has, so he's just riding fame as far as it will take him and if he can't be beloved he'll be infamous.
If your character could be any famous person, whom would he choose and why?
If you asked him, he'd say he'd choose to be himself. No celebrity has ever been as great! Quietly, however, he envies 2D who is fantastically well liked without even trying.
Muds would also like to be Hugh Heffner, but that doesn't need much explaining.
List your character's favorite celebrities.
Himself, John Lydon, Keith Richards, Hunter S. Thompson, Abi Titmuss, Fergi (of the Black Eyed Peas), Ozzy Osborne, and Satan
How does your character feel about the concept of fame and celebrity in general?
In this day and age, fame and celebrity are the only ways for a person to really matter. Fame is everything to Murdoc. He needs the attention far more than he needs the money.
Is your character more interested in entertainment figures or historically significant figures?
Given his career, entertainment figures fit more with Murdoc's life than historical ones. He also watches a lot of telly so he's full of pop-culture knowledge.
This isn't to say he doesn't have historical figures he respects (Alexander the Great, Lenin, Stalin, Machiavelli etc...)
If your character could achieve any one position of authority, what would she choose and why?
Being a famous musician is really all of the power and all the soap box he needs. He figures he can influence people more through hit records and rambling interviews than most politicians ever could anyway.
If your character could change the entire world in one tiny but pervasive way, what would it be?
Muds doesn't care much for changing the world. He just wants to leave his mark on it. As long as people know and care who he is, he could give a toss how the world is going.
If your character knew he would die tomorrow, what would he do today?
He would probably waste a lot of time feeling sorry for himself. Once he got over that, though, he would find and talk to his brother, assure that his band would not go on without him, and then find Tank to make his last hours meaningful and so he wouldn't have to die alone. If there was time, he might arrange to make a public spectacle of his death, just to assure his place in history.
Who was your character's favorite teacher and why?
His primary school teacher when he was 10 was nice to him when none of the students would be. He was an awful kid and a crybaby, but she actually seemed to give a shit anyway. She also helped him a lot with his reading, as he was slow at getting good at it. Unfortunately, he had to transfer schools before the end of the year after savagely beating another student at the school.
Does your character tend to focus his efforts on one project at a time, or does he spread his efforts across a variety of projects?
If he can help it, Murdoc doesn't put effort into anything. When he wants something bad enough to work for it, though, he has serious tunnel vision.
Does your character like to cook? If so, what does she like to cook and how good is she at it?
Muds doesn't really cook. He can cool eggs about three different ways and a girl taught him to make spaghetti once. Aside from that, he's an excellent bartender and he makes one hell of a sandwich.
If someone tried to blackmail your character, what would he do? How easy or difficult would it be?
Blackmailing Murdoc would be fairly difficult, as he tends to brazenly share his most embarrassing moments in public interviews. He isn't shy about much. Intormation about his childhood getting out, though, would greatly piss him off. Anyone threatening to print such things would be sued and likely beaten.
If your character needed a security clearance for a job she wanted, would he be able to get one?
Not with his criminal record, no.
There's someone who hates your character, but your character doesn't realize it. Who is this person and why does he hate your character so much?
A lot of people hate Muds. One more wouldn't matter much. Likely causes for hate would be that he bad mouthed them in the press, humiliated them publicly, slept with their girlfriend/wife, slept with them and never called, or they were friends/bandmates with him before he became famous and wrote them off.
How would your character find out?
Public statemtent, death threat, or pub fight?
What would he do about it?
Laugh at them and mock them publicly. If it seems serious, he might fight them, sue them, have them arrested or all three.
Someone is secretly in love with your character. Who is it and how does your character feel about her?
Muds would never expect anyone to secretly or openly be in "love" with him. Tank Girl was quite a shock and anyone else would just floor him. 2D said he loved Murdoc ages ago and the bassist's been bothered by the statement ever since.
Is your character at all spiritual or religious? If so, what religion or spiritual path does he follow? How devout is he?
Murdoc believes in a lot of weird shit, most of which he just doesn't discuss. He's not formally religious, though. Muds is a satanist (part defiant auto-theist and part actual devil worship). He's as devout as is convenient for him. He sold his soul to the devil, but now he wants it back...which is sort of affecting his devotion. He also practices Mexican black magic/santeria, but he puts know religious belief behind it. All of what Muds does spiritually is done for power and self-gratification.
Does he hate all members of any religion(s)?
Not really. Though he enjoys giving most of them a hard time.
Is she tolerant of other religions? If so, how tolerant?
Murdoc is very intolerant of having other religions pushed on him. Aside from that, he can't be bothered to care what religion someone is.
On some level, he's a bit jealous of those with real faith in something. He's seen too much negative in the world to believe in a loving god himself.
What hurt will your character never forgive? How old (and how minor or major) is this hurt? How much does it affect her life?
Murdoc will never forgive his father for the way he was raised, but since his father's death he's just tried not to think about any of it if he can help it. Alcohol, drugs and sex help with this. More notably, he doubts he'll ever be able to forgive his mother or, more memorably, his brother for abandoning him. He's been left with a feeling that everyone leaves eventually, that women can't be trusted, and that even family bonds don't matter.
One of your character's parents said something to her that he'll never forget. What are the words that will always echo in his ears?
"Yer evil as the goddamn devil, aren't ya, ya nasty little bastard? Still too fuckin' pathetic t'be worth a damn, though." (Some of his father's words after Murdoc tried to stab the man and lost his nerve.)
What is your character's favorite color to wear? Is it the same as or different than her favorite color?
He dresses mostly in grays and blacks as they're easy to coordinate and don't show how dirty they are. His favorite colors are red and purple, though.
Open up your character's kitchen cupboards. What do you see?
Various liquor bottles, instant noodles, canned beans, a handgun, more than a few expired items, canned cherries in syrup, loose change, rubber gloves, several glasses and goblets that don't match, things stolen from 2D's room, a bag of hash, pills that aren't prescribed to Muds, and a small bag of heroin that he doesn't intend to use.
What does a typical grocery list look like for your character?
Vodka, beer, steak, whipped cream, hand lotion, cigs, rubbers, rope, bread, orange juice, hair spray, black hair-dye, sandwich meat, pot noodles, cider ... The rest he leaves for the others to shop for.
Does your character prefer recreational activities that involve other people, or solo activities?
Most of the time, he likes to have people around to appreciate him. His favorite recreational activity is fucking, so it's hard to do properly alone anyway. He also likes to watch movies and get high with friends, though he's short on those. Most of the time, this means hanging out with the dullard.
Does your character ever get drunk or high? What is she like at those times?
Most people wouldn't recognize Murdoc sober. It's a rarity and he finds it mostly unpleasant. He drinks almost constantly, rarely consuming anything non-alcoholic. What Murdoc is like drunk is just..what Murdoc is like. He thinks he's funny drunk and more likeable. He's also an angry drunk, though, and prone to sudden violent shifts in mood. Muds also has an on-again off-again love affair with amphetamines. He has an addictive personality and finds it hard to shake the drug for good. Though, he'll tell you it's a personal choice to go back to using and that he can quit whenever he likes. He's quit loads of times! For now, he isn't using. This means he gets stoned about twice as much as he did when he had meth to keep him going. Stoned, he thinks he's really funny. He is, but probably not for the reasons he thinks. He's also much more laid back when he's high and prone to rambling.
Is he addicted to anything? If so, how does it affect her life?
If Murdoc finds something he likes doing that feels good and is repeatable, he will likely become addicted to it. So far, alcohol, sex, speed, fame and Tank Girl are on this list. Most of his addictions make his already caustic personality even harder to bear.
From your point of view, what is your character's worst flaw?
He will never let anyone in. He closes himself off and it makes him even more self-destructive and hurtful to those around him.
From your point of view, what is your character's greatest strength?
He will fight almost anyone for almost anything. This is also a weakness.
From the point of view of someone close to your character, what is their worst flaw?
Either his drinking or his odor.
A stray cat (or dog) shows up on your character's doorstep several days in a row and appears to have no home. What does he do?
A cat lingering at his door will meet a very unpleasant end, likely ending it's days covered in flame. Dogs may meet a similar end, unless he likes the look of them. He might feed it, but he'll avoid making a pet of it. He might send it to 2D or Noodle's door so they'll take it in.
From the point of view of someone close to your character, what is her greatest strength?
His faith in himself, probably.
Your character arrives home to find her door unlocked and slightly ajar, and she's sure she locked it on her way out. What does she do?
He would arm himself, just in case, but suspect that 2D had broken into the winne. If he found a zombie or a thief, he'd likely kill or gravely injur them. If he found 2D, he would beat the boy senseless for tresspassing.
Why would it be unlocked?
Either someone broke in to steal his things, Tank broke in to surprise him, 2D broke in because he's creepy like that or Muds left it unlocked by mistake while drunk.
From your character's point of view, what is his worst flaw?
That he's gotten too old and that he's too weak.
If someone told your character that he had a mental illness, how would he react?
"Fuck you! You've got a mental illness!"
What if a close friend suggested it?
"Prob'ly so. And? S'not like it's new, right? I'm fine how I am."
What if a professional made an official diagnosis?
He'd alternate between telling them they were wrong and asserting that it doesn't matter anyway, he's fine as he is.
What if a close friend or relative of hers was given the diagnosis instead?
He'd tell them psychiatry is bullshit and just to ignore it.
Is your character an introvert or an extrovert?
Very socially extroverted. He feeds on attention and he's a bit of an exhibitionist as well. His more vulnerable emotions are very guarded, though, and kept to himself.
From your character's point of view, what is her greatest strength?
Muds feels his lack of emotional attachment makes him strong. He distances himself from people and won't accept help with anything until there's absolutely no alternative.