what, you're younger than me? i turned thirty in december last year, it wasn't difficult at all ;) i'm still alive & don't feel any different. plus: you're handsome as ever, i'm sure that helps :p
I am starting to notice people in shops working seem underage, and at dance parties they surely snuck in without ID so I must be getting older, but inside my head I am only about 12, so I am fine. *grin* Yep, I am younger than you, muahaha :) I am looking forward to 30 though, it's definitely no biggie! Perhaps surprising I actually lived this long.
I would make a horrible tranny. Seriously. I've never gone beyond showing gal pals how to walk in heels and I think the universe is glad I've never done drag ::L::
*LOL* The dark side is a magical land I live in already, luckily. And fo' sho', I have to eat some of this magical stuff you post, it seems only right! And I can sing about Good Morning Baltimore as well. Even at night!
Bonjouuuuur! I cut it all short yeah, late last year before going to Singapore, now it's spikey and like my icon :)
For my next holiday, we're going to Indonesia for 10 days, and then leaping back to Singapore for a few, and then onto Darwin to surprise the Mother Unit for her birthday, I've not been back to Darwin since I left at 18! JOYYYYYYYY.
Comments 26
You cut your hair? It was already short...or maybe you just have about 3mm of stubble? And where're you going for your hols?
For my next holiday, we're going to Indonesia for 10 days, and then leaping back to Singapore for a few, and then onto Darwin to surprise the Mother Unit for her birthday, I've not been back to Darwin since I left at 18! JOYYYYYYYY.
How's tricks for you, sexy minx??
My lovelife is wonderful, and I'm loving my friends more and more and more.
So glad you're having a fantastic time!
Pics of your travels, please! I wanna see you happy and touristy!
Sick is no fun at all!! I hope it clears up soon. Apart from that everything sounds pretty sparkly and good for you too :D
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