ahhhhhh (this is the sound of me relaxed)

Jul 13, 2009 22:22

Weekend was fun. Good company, great food, bought awesome black lace gloves at an antique shop on the island, and watched Jeeves and Wooster (which is even more hilarious while sloshed, let me tell you.)

Weird/gross things that happened at work the past two days:
- little boy's gum fell out of his mouth and on to the floor. he picked it up and put it back into his mouth. just wrong.
- customer with a condom on his finger. literally rolled on. makeshift bandage? some kind of fetish? I really don't want to know.
- several little old ladies that smelled really weird. like bad weird. not the standard little old lady smell.
- got a couple nasty papercuts on my fingers, from book covers of children's books. children's books are secretly evil.

While getting caught up on stuff today I found this linked on Ryan Ross's twitter. It's a great article from MTV.com where Ryan talks about the split and explains the whole situation. It kind of made me feel better about the whole thing, and definitely made me want to hug everyone in (ex)Panic and go 'awwwww'.

Tomorrow I'm heading to Portland (just for the night) to see my aunt and pick up a family friend to bring back to Seattle for a Ladysmith Black Mambazo concert at the zoo on Wednesday (yes, I realize this sentence is really long... and grammatically correct.) Should be fun as I haven't seen either of them (aunt or family friend) for a while. Apparently I'm not good at staying in one place for more than a couple of days lately. Though, hopefully, this time there will be internet. (It's scary how being away from the internet for more than 24 hours now stresses me out. I need help.) Okay. G'night people.

hi ho hi ho it's off to work we go, concert, panic, rl

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