I'm home!!! And I'm alive, and I'm in love!!!
Ok, this isn't going to make much sense and I'm only adding the things I think people that aren't 30stm fans will care about... so yeah. ENJOY
The beginning of the ride there was quiet and slightly awkward. After about 5 hours on the road though, the 4 of us finally loosened up and started to plot about what we would do if we won the $300 million PowerBall. (i.e. The Echelon Islands and the Echelon tour bus/pontoon.) After running into the giant chicken and the Boobie Bungalow we made it to Montgomery, AL after about 9.5 hours of driving.
The hotel was nice and seemingly fancy. We soon found out, (but not soon enough really,) that it had its shady parts - like ants on the dresser that had my stuff! After staying up until 2a.m. giggling about boys and rambling off Dane Cook lines (Ah Christ... not you) we went to sleep and got up at 9a.m. We got ready, and blew a fuse in our room while we were at it, an amazing feat I feel on our part. (We were running 2 hair dryers at the same time...apparently that’s not smart.)
So we got the venue at about 11:30am. Yes we’re crazy. The owner of the bar thought we were super cool though, and ya know... we were. So we hung out, met the incoming fans...welcomed them. Seriously, nicest group of fans I've ever met! You could tell the [echelon] from the nons. It was so awesome. These people rock my face off! (Note: [echelon] is what the fans call themselves. The hardcore fans not the groupies biscuits. The fans who wait in line forever and make tshirts!)
Anyway, I was the 5th person through those doors and my group of girls and I were RIGHT UP FRONT. Literally. This was a po-dunk little bar in nowhereville, AL and the stage went to a little above my knees. And there were no barricades. They added some stupid HUGE security guards right before the guys came on. One was next to me and the other was over to the other side. I was in front of Matt :D So yeah, in the middle of the show Jared was like "this song is going to be heavy, so I want you people in the back to push up to the front and if someone gets in your way elbow them in the face! But if you start moshing and someone falls, pick them up!" and he started to play Battle Of One OMFG. Those guards were PISSED cause that 1 foot invisible gap was gone to shit!* It was amazing. I was pressed against the stage and Jared was singing... IN MY FACE. I could feel the heat of him when he bent down. He looked into my eyes, I could see the scratches on his guitar and his junk was in my face a couple times too! :x He fell into the crowd a little next to me. I wanted to help but there was no need so I just rubbed his vest... and his ankle. (I'm a freak).
So yeah the show KICKED some major ass and I got my black and red wristbands :DDD I also got a CD signed for my friend Alex and I had them sign my red wristband and my shirt... which you will see!!! HUGE EDIT: While I was getting my stuff signed, I went to Jared cause he was last and said ya know, great show, blah blah blah and he said "Hang out after the show at the bus so we can take pics of your shirt" How fucking awesome. Jared asked me to stay so he could get a pic of me. Granted he did that to everyone with a made-shirt, but whatever. It was still awesome!
*When we were talking to Tomo after the show we were talking about the guards and he said, "We didn't tell them to do that, it was their idea and they were totally ruining the vibe, that's why Jared had you guys push them away."
How much does that kick fucking ass?
I was expecting the show to rock, but actually experiencing it was SO MUCH BETTER. They are the nicest guys I've ever met. They look you in the eyes, they mean what they say, they laugh, they compliment YOU (or your gear) when you should be praising them for rocking so hard. What these guys do for their fans (hanging out after and talking) is how you make fans for life and how you make [echelon] the tight family it is. I love them so much for doing this. As many people that were hanging around, as soon as they saw you and saw that you wanted to say hi, you were in their almost complete and utter attention. And oh god, the hugs! I love people that enjoy hugs as much as I do ^__^
I will never forget this day, and I'm totally still on a high too! My iPod died on the way home from class today and I was like "NOO!!! I wanted to listen to Capricorn!" Le sigh. I also debated taking my pics with me, but I really have no one to show and I would look crazy staring at pics of me and crazy guys in eyeliner and silly teeth in. (I also slept through most of my classes because 7 straight hours of sleep doesn't make up for 39 hours without sleep.) And now I have 2 wristbands to wear around! I wear my black one to work and my red one the rest of the time. God it's awesome.
These are all of the ones I've scanned so far. I may do more later... I may not. There are about 20 pics total...
This is their bus when showed up an hour or so after we did. They all came out randomly and they all stopped to talk and say to us! Oh yes, we rock
The glyphs. Right to left: Nikki, Tara, Me, Jamie
quickie group shot
Jared came out of the bus as we were taking [echelon] group pics with these retarded hick teeth in and started talking like a hick, then he stole someone's camera and started taking pics of the group for us... and then he took pics of himself, lol. God he's a dork.
only some of the [echelon]
Shannon (the drummer for those of you Nons) was taking a pic of our glyph shirts and Matt tried to be funny and stick his head in but we made him jump in the pic with us :p HA and he's smiling. He kept saying there was no smiling in Rock and Roll... he's a liar!
a box of goodies for the guys from Astrid (awesome girl from Germany) He was giggling at the condoms in there in this pic... he even said 'naughy!' to us for them.
Matt.... my new schoolgirl crush. He is so adorable and nice and cute and blah blah BLAH
Shannon with his camera...taking pics of us.
Tomo hugs are the best hugs!!!
I'm thinking this pic will win for 'Cutest Couple' award :D
Jared telling us that the radio stations playing their stuff is really helping and their climbing the charts!!! KEEP IT UP ECHELON!
Ok so the story behind this is that the back of my shirt said "Echelon Virgin" cause it was my first show and I was asking Matt to cross out my virgin and someone was like 'Pop her cherry!' and he was like "whaa..." ^_^
But then he got it and popped my cherry crossed it out for me...
and signed my shirt while he was back there (ahahaha 'while he was back there')
as I was hugging Tomo, Jared decided he wanted in on the action. So we made a Tomo sangwich (as Dane would say...which we did NOT stop quoting all weekend). Then, after this pic was taken, Jared proceeded to bite Tomo's should. (can we say... HOT?)
Ohh 4 times in one night! That's naughty :D
So yeah, no actual concert pics cause the venue (aka bar) was too small for flash cameras and that's all I had... but I'm going again in 3 weeks to Cleveland, and then I'm going a week later in Indy. So yeah...give me time :DDD
So there you have it. The best night of my life.