I certainly hope that this reporter is exaggerating. Because he's describing people who are preparing to make war on their own country. And trying to justify it as their patriotic duty.
No, he's not exaggerating. These people exist, and they're as nutty as he describes.
Fortunately, ALSO as he describes, the real fruitcakes number in the hundreds per group, with only a few dozen such groups, so even if they all got together they wouldn't make a decent threat to even a small detachment of real military troops. The real danger is from a few complete loons taking the weaponry the group accumulated and doing a kamikaze.
Yeah, but imagine if the military for some reason has to do that, it'll be the worst PR for the government ever. "Nazi fascist commie pinko socialist Obama terrorist goon force slaughters good red blooded American patriot martyrs without even due process and OMG rights violated police state see what this country is coming to new world order!!!" or something like that. Small crazy marginal groups become causes célèbres when under that kind of attack. Just ask Christianity.
Depends on how it works out. No one's out there turning Timothy McVeigh into a hero except these nutbars. Sure, if the government is dumb enough to just keep doing Khoresh compound assaults they could end up creating martyrs, but if they do it in reaction to nutbar militia assaults they'll make the nuts look like the terrorists they are.
One point that bothers me a lot, is how willing-to-eager many of the loudest voices on the Right seem to be, to deny that these nutbars are terrorists. When I was a teen, "conservative" meant your main concern was social stability. Today, it seems that the loudest "conservative" voices in the country are the ones urging people to make the nation ungovernable.
Once upon a time, this would not have bothered me at all. Since then, I've read Che Guevara, and I know that Step 1 of his method for revolution is to make an area ungovernable.
Comments 4
Fortunately, ALSO as he describes, the real fruitcakes number in the hundreds per group, with only a few dozen such groups, so even if they all got together they wouldn't make a decent threat to even a small detachment of real military troops. The real danger is from a few complete loons taking the weaponry the group accumulated and doing a kamikaze.
Once upon a time, this would not have bothered me at all. Since then, I've read Che Guevara, and I know that Step 1 of his method for revolution is to make an area ungovernable.
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