Absolutely not. I'm a writer myself, and I totally appreciate such deep, truthful, and creative expression. Whatever inspired that, although it seems to have affected you in a negative way, really came through magnificently. Very well done Murv.
I was talking to this friend on the phone. I realized that I was really nice and positive and a "can do guy" all the time with her and a lot of people, and they are just a lot more negative then I am. I don't need that from them. I feel like you and me are a couple of the few positive minded people, and those people are always telling me what they can't do, and how my idea will not work, and how they will not participate in whatever event I'm planning. In their smug faces, they bring my whole energy down. Anyway, I'm not her friend anymore. Thats what inspired this (does that make sense?)
I totally understand what you mean. I get so infuriated with pecimism. It makes me ill. And the sad thing is that lately, I have caught myself giving in to that kind of thinking. But, trying to break into the entertainment industry can do that to ya sometimes. Just gotta keep thinking up like you do, and fuck all those people who think and say otherwise.
Yeah, I think there is a big difference between pecimism and having a negative attitude. A person with a jaded/negative attitude may only be complaining becuase the world is not treating them fairly. In fact, I think that optomistic people who give things a chance tend to get into negative funks from time to time when other people let them down. This I completely relate to. What I do not relate to are people who won't even give things a chance. They are always good for a quick "no" as an answer to any question. This frustrates me to death (there I go being negative).
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