Title: Secrets of the Philosopher's Stone
Series: Going Under 1
Rating: PG-13?
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairings: none yet
Category: AU, angst, adventure
Feedback: I'm on my knees here!
Summary: What if Harry hadn't met Ron on the train to Hogwarts? What if he'd met someone else? And what if his sorting had happened differently as a result
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Comments 7
This is one of the few harry in Slytherin stories that i have ever read where Draco doesn't seem OOC.
Petrol and bleach flavour beans :) why not...
More please
[Editorial note - there are a few small issues with grammar throughout; if you want me to go over any of it with a red pen, just holler, I'd be happy to contribute. I've missed this world! :)]
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