Prompt 9 - Who is the most annoying person on the planet?

Feb 21, 2007 13:12

Who is the most annoying person on the planet?

A question with so many answers and for so many different reasons but I think for the purposes of this exercise I will choose only one.

Miss Hermione Granger.

I daresay many of you expected me to say Harry Potter or perhaps Remus Lupin or even Sirius Black. It is true I find them irritating and annoying and dislike them all for varying reasons, they all... yes, even Black, loathe as I am to admit it... have qualities that I can at least respect if not actually like.

Miss Granger does not annoy me because she is intelligent nor does she annoy me because she is Muggleborn. The former is the one quality about her that I can appreciate and the latter is irrelevant.

Quite simply, Miss Granger annoys me because she is a know-it-all and does not temper that quality with wisdom.

You might find it odd that I do not care for an intelligent student to display that intelligence but it is the manner of her display that I find offensive. Shoving her hand in the air and all but demanding to be allowed to answer the question. Her behaviour and her overdone eagerness inhibits other students who may know the answer and allows the lazy to flourish. I especially despise the latter.

I cannot count the number of times in my class that only Miss Granger and my Slytherins have raised their hands to answer a question. I am sure many of the others, particularly the Ravenclaws, know the answer but I see them look at Hermione and shrug and keep their hands down. And they wonder why I treat them harshly.

Miss Granger’s behaviour encourages laziness in her classmates. They leave it all to her and do not do the work themselves. But the thing that makes me select her for this... honour is that she does not realise this. She is not aware enough of what is happening in the classroom to see the damage she is causing, the laziness she is creating. Intellect I can appreciate but a lack of awareness is intolerable.

Muse: Severus Snape
Fandom: Harry Potter
Word Count: 349
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