Aug 02, 2009 02:18


1. Describe the kind of character you'd like to play. More detail is better than less - for example, "I'd like to play a doctor specializing in oncology who's good with kids and has a troubled past that he never talks about" gives people a much better idea of what you're looking for than just saying "I wanna play a doctor!" You ( Read more... )

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Comments 247

anonymous August 2 2009, 15:06:57 UTC
Kind of character:
I'm looking for somebody with secrets, anon. I think it would be fun to play someone who often/usually serves the comic relief role in their canon, but also has a serious side (or even an outright dark side) and is involved with the plot of their canon in an important way. It would be cool if they also have some badass fighting ability, but that part is optional.

I mostly play guys but if you can think of a girl who fits this profile, I'd love to have a look at their canon too.

Genre: I prefer fantasy and modern day (or modern-day fantasy) but any genre is okay really.

Medium: Anything that's not live-action. If you're going to rec a game, please no PS3 or Xbox, I don't have either of those.

Thanks anon :)


anonymous August 2 2009, 15:53:31 UTC
I read this and immediately thought of Xerxes Break from Pandora Hearts. I'm not sure if he's exactly what you're talking about though, but just throwing it out there.


anonymous August 2 2009, 16:06:05 UTC
Never read/watched any of it, I'll have to check it out :) Thanks anon!


anonymous August 2 2009, 23:56:10 UTC
Xellos from Slayers.


anonymous August 2 2009, 18:27:12 UTC
I'm quite fond of the twisted stereotypes, anon. For instance, Lisa Silverman from Persona 2 is the American-girl-in-Japan, Sexiest-in-school, in-love-with-the-main-character girl. But she's also done drugs, whored herself out, used people for popularity, doesn't speak English, and loves Kung-fu/speaks fangirl Cantonese.

Now, that's an extreme example, but I love playing characters like that. Any ideas?


anonymous August 2 2009, 18:28:32 UTC
Also, I have no genre preferences, but no PS3 recs please.

And I don't speak Japanese, so it has to have an English translation.


anonymous August 9 2009, 03:19:28 UTC
Check out Bad Girl from No More Heroes. It's a Wii game.

Anyway, Bad Girl is a pretty young woman with blue eyes and blonde hair in a pink lolita dress. She's quite perky and very much seems to be like how Elle Woods from Legally Blonde would be if she reacted to her boyfriend dumping her by taking him out with a sawed off shotgun instead of just following him to Harvard. She drinks heavily, swears, gives pantyshots, and kills people with a baseball bat.

V. fun to play.


anonymous August 13 2009, 07:37:13 UTC
Anybody from Revolutionary Girl Utena. Shiori and Anthy come to mind immediately, but the entire cast is made of shoujo stock characters gone horribly, horribly wrong.


anonymous August 3 2009, 01:01:46 UTC
I'm somewhat of a cliche player.

I love, love, love the stalker/obsesessed/villain/anti-hero whatever. Preferably a darker character (not Beast from Beauty and the Beast but Billy/Dr. Horribly from Dr. Horrible would be alright, for a good balance for sympathy/hatred I guess.)

Examples - Erik from Phantom of the Opera, Hades of Greek Mythology (shut up, shut up, shut up), and...well, I've considered Creed from Black Cat.

Medium/Game...I play in a single fandom game and play the game's resident archetype there. Looking for elsewhere and suggestions/I'm good with most everything?


anonymous August 3 2009, 03:09:46 UTC
Dist from Tales of the Abyss might be right up your alley, then... he's got the whole obsessed stalker thing going on, and while he can be comedic relief at times, it's kind of along the lines of Dr. Horrible.


anonymous August 3 2009, 03:12:33 UTC
Somehow I instantly thought of Muraki from Yami no Matsuei (obscure manga; anime is somewhat better put together but shorter and not the full story). That might be too dark, though.


anonymous August 3 2009, 05:44:25 UTC
You might like King Saralegui of Kyo Kara Maoh. He is written out of the first two seasons of the anime, but he appears in the OVAs and I believe they put him in the third season.


anonymous August 4 2009, 05:32:26 UTC
I'm looking for someone who has not so much an abrasive attitude, but someone who isn't afraid to speak their mind when there's something stupid to comment on. I'm thinking snarky, maybe trollish, yet tactful enough to be able to have an actual vocabulary... only when they see fit, you know what I mean? Very direct and to the point! I want them to have a "bad ass" attitude (or facade! facades are cool, too!) and I want them to have no qualms in staying neutral. I'm thinking along the lines of a a character who may be passed off as a rude and brash lug at first, but someone who is empathic and acually wants to help out when conflicts arise ( ... )


anonymous August 4 2009, 08:52:17 UTC
I have a few ideas here, but how do you want this person to come off initially? Do you want them to indeed seem rude and bad ass, or maybe just a bit snarky and likely to piss someone off, but once you get to know them, they aren't a bad person after all?

And don't worry, the folks I have in mind can handle themselves in a fight. I actually have a good number in mind from video games that can be found on PS2.


anonymous August 4 2009, 19:12:04 UTC
You are awesome, helpful willing anon! Thanks!

I think I'm going to have to go more with rude and bad ass, especially since I already play two very snarky characters. The gooey center may very well be optional, I just want someone to have the mentality to get things done when they need to be.


anonymous August 10 2009, 01:04:05 UTC
Yuri from Tales of Vesperia would probably make you very happy.
Seriously, "something that would be able to have a use in a setting where we may need to fight to protect the weak or stop monsters from attacking, something like that. I want this character to be able to lay the smackdown on someone, hoping more with their fists or a weapon", like, screams him.

Um, hope for a localized PS3 version?


anonymous August 4 2009, 06:14:12 UTC
Let's see if I can explain the kind of character I'm thinking of.

Someone who's got a soft spot for kids/teenagers, in a big-brotherly or -sisterly sense. It would be nice if the character had a history of working with kids, either professionally (as a social worker, EMT, cop, etc.) or through volunteer work (helping out at an afterschool program or a family shelter). The character I'm thinking of would be outspoken and passionate, not necessarily a fluffy happy person all the time, kind of a dispenser of "tough love" if needed. Any genre is fine, but medium-wise I would prefer no video game characters as I am not much of a gamer.


anonymous August 5 2009, 22:40:15 UTC
How about Izumi Curtis from Fullmetal Alchemist? Or possibly Raine from Tales of Symphonia?


anonymous August 9 2009, 03:20:42 UTC
Clark Kent from early Smallville canon (somewhere in the Season 1-4 range). That's very much him.


anonymous August 16 2009, 23:29:41 UTC
In a way, how about Peter Petrelli from Heroes?


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