Title : Proud of your love
Beta :
gaypop Genre : Angst
Pairing : Yunjae
Length : Drabble : 100wo
Rating : G
We were great together- or so everyone thought. I guess you weren’t one of them.
I was really fond of you; I had never fallen in love so deeply, but I guess you didn't.
I could have fixed things for us, if you told me what to do. I guess you were already tired of this, that you wouldn’t even let me through.
I would have done anything if you given me the chance. I guess you had already made up your mind before, hadn’t you?
All of this was just an illusion, wasn’t it? I guess I was too proud of our love, too proud of your love.
A/N: It was supposed to be for a contest, and the length was 100wo. But they changed it and I wanted to post it anyways xD
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