(no subject)

Mar 21, 2011 02:26

Your Muse: Mackenzie America Puckerman (and on behalf of a whole load of others, mentioned below)
Community: sixwordstories
Fandom: Glee
Canon: Psshhaw. Hell to the no. This is a) future and b) involving ships that may never happen.
Book, Movie, Game, Other: TV show
Contact via: Here, please!
(PM, comment, ect)

Okay, so. I've had this idea for a little while. And while discussing next generations of various fandoms with a friend I may have kind of sort of said OKAY I WANT TO DO THIS. And so it was done.

We (a collective bunch of amazing muns) have come up with the ships, before we get ten kids of Quinn, all with different dads etc. If you don't like them, sorry, but we feel they work best. They are:

Mercedes/Somebody she met later in life
Artie/Estelle the supermodel scientist he met later in life
Kurt/Somebody he met later in life who died in a car accident
Blaine/Some guy he met later in life

A lot of this was based on the kids we already have sorted out. Plus there are a whole load of people who stayed with their highschool sweetheart so we have a handful with people they met after school. We also have a list of kids already taken, although that doesn't mean they wouldn't love siblings!

Mackenzie Puckerman || Lauren/Puck || wellpuckme
Danielle Puckerman || Lauren/Puck || No journal yet
Olivia Evans || Sam/Quinn || No journal yet
Artemis Abrams || Artie/Estelle || cafaddict
Audrey St.James || Rachel/Jesse || afterhepburn
Orange Lopez || Santana/Brittany || notorangejello
Demitri Hummel || Kurt/Some guy || mostfabhummel
Spencer St.James || Rachel/Jesse || guitarsandstars
Kaitlyn Anderson || Blaine/Some guy || limafashionista
Sierra Chang || Mike/Tina || aturnforstars

Currently all the kids are available for siblings, or you can pick from the list of ships above. Or hey, even ship obscure characters and make one of their spawn. I'm pretty sure all these kids are in Glee club and Olivia is the Cheerios captain and Orange is on the squad too. (It's still coached by Sue, btw. AGE IS NOTHING TO HER.) Also, Beth is a student teacher and helps run Glee club so she's available for play too!

Okay, I think that's it. Wow, lots of info. Yeeaahhhhh.

[tv show]: glee, [original character]: no name

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