(no subject)

Sep 19, 2010 17:31

Your Muse: Eric Jackson
Muse wanted: Head of a company called Chronicles, Co-Head of Chronicles, a scientist 
Community: sixwordstories, possibly angelsandasses, personal journals
Fandom: Original
Canon: Original
Book, Movie, Game, Other: Other
PB: Up to you. I prefer the Head to be male. (Maybe Zachary Quinto since he makes an awesome villian?) And the Co-head to be a brunette female. (And yes, these are the suit & tie type of people.) Scientist can be any PB.
Contact via: Comments or PM.
(PM, comment, ect)

Most of the info on Jackson and such is in his profile. I've got a more about him if you'd need it. Basically, the Head of Chronicles wants him back. Jackson was the scientist that found genes could be altered in humans to give abilities and they wiped his brain of it all after they made him a test subject. (He wasn't the only one. There have been many before and after Jackson.) Now they're trying to get him back so he can make them more experiments.

The scientist would be an old friend of Jackson's that he worked with up until the day they pulled him in to alter his genes and wipe his memories. The rest of him/her is yours to toy with~

[original character]: no name

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